ok then. anyway how is that roxas from going ryota?
can you tell me?
oh that sounds cool. do you know any texture codes that could make sora wear roxas clothes?
lol ok anyways, there is a form that might just work. i may start it. its called roxas tribute form. my plan is to make it so when you go into master form, you are wearing roxas clothes and in one hand is a struggle bat and in the other is another struggle bat. sound interesting?
theres a code on youtube by antiweapon. just type in wielding xaldins lances
OK! im hoping this works, for i dont have time to test it, but go ahead and test for me. it makes final form look sort of like antiform and xaldins lances are supposed to be on both keyblades you use. you must have oathkeeper equipted for normal keyblade, and oblivion equipted for final keyblade. save with those blades equipted, and give it a test. acouple of tips, you might want to unequipt any ground combos, it might freeze if you dont. also you can try to joker the codes if you want, but thats just optional. ok heres the code. Xaldin Form (must have already unlocked final form) 51CB98D0 00000020 01CB9870 00000000 11CEF110 00000845 11CEF114 00000845 edit: if it doesnt work, can you try and help? thank you. P.S. Is there a way you can make it so sora is wearing roxas clothes? sort of like a texture mod?
thanks. problem is you cant attack :O. lol. Can you wield siaxes claymore without freezing and able to attack? SORRY FOR DOUBLE POST: i will begin working and testing the xaldin form code.
ok. but i do know that xaldins lances work. so i am going to try and make a xaldin sort of form. i am going to try the appearance mod to make the final form costume appear as a different costume to make it look unknown. and i would try to find a way to mod xaldins lances into the two different keyblades you hold in final form. it will be tough. but i will try. would anyone be willing for me to send them a test code that i create to see if it works? they should be a good coder unless i make mistakes. P.S. if i had all the seperate codes, for example, an appearance mod code and a weapon mod code and i were to combine them into one code, would it have to be in a certain order? example: Fake appearance mod code 66FG34S8 77HGB000 Fake weapon mod code GGASFK23 FFF56AAS would i combine them in any order i want so the final code is 66FG34S8 77HGB000 GGASFK23 FFF56AAS
ya i guess so. anyway some codes are glitched for me. like 1st off i tried a weapon mod. i modded the keyblade to turn into xigbars gun arrow. i saved the game with kingdom key equipted, logged off, put on codebreaker, modded a kingdom key into xigbars gun arrow, then loaded kingdom hearts up but when i got on the game just never turned on and froze when i chose the save file. any tips?
Oh. thats sort of mean. if they think its a useless code and that some people would find it useless, yet they put it in videos to show off. that clearly means that they are being mean, considering they cant just post a simple code. theres lots of other codes people find useless. and i bet there is a lot of people who want to use this code and the team doesnt even want to release it to the public. doesnt that mean something to u?
so your saying that cloud didnt release those codes. so theres no way of watching a fight without u being in it?
update. i want to do the code that roxas uses in his royal rumble videos where its like spectator, and someone asked how to do it in this thread, and someone said it was on the 1st page in the random codes section. 1st off i couldnt find a random codes section and i cant find the code he uses. somebody please help because i want to watch a battle of what characters i choose. please and thank you.
i have a question. you know the sight seeing code? well for example i activate sight seeing and then i replace donald and goofy with axel and xaldin. but when i go into gameplay to watch them fight, they appear invisible. is there anyway i can go into sight seeing mode while watching xaldin and axel fight so im not there but they are? reply quick. thank you :)