hmm. well i beat all of them. i beat kurt, then sephiroth, then phantom, in that order. so i have to say phantom.
you could try this. not sure if it would work though. Anti from is halloween sora 11CFA40C 000002B5
the form froze
you could tell us what we have to drive into
ok new form i have tested and works. for some reason you cant use magic. anyways you dont need to drive into anything. you just enter the cheat and load! ok here is. Dark Assasin Form(joker to use in boss battles) 11CFA3FC 00000055 51CC60B0 00000020 01CB9750 00000000 01CB9796 0000000A 10354E9C 0000006E 10354EAC 0000006E 2037B888 61786F72 P.S. Cant change keyblades or game freezes
you dont need to drive. it just happens. its hard to explain really its like a sort of antiform with valors moveset it works good just try it.
??? user friendly? im a tester i can test it. P.S. how can i become a coder? do i need to get an emulator or something because i want to work with codes and test them. sounds interesting.
hey since the target codes arent released can i request that you do a battle between lexaus and sephiroth
ohhh dang. P.S. Has Royal Rumble been canceled?
Ok so this is how this works, you tell short storys/tales of old keyblade masters and their storys. You can make up everything, you can make a story of a keyblade master who did blank and saved blank and was around during the time of blank. Get it? Ok I will start. This is a tale of the keyblade master Squantie. He was dark skinned, had long black hair, had a red tatoo on his face resembling a tiger, and was strong and muscular and carried a long bow and arrow. Squantie lived way back around 300. He was a Native American man who lived among a tribe called the Wayuzas. They hunted and did what most Native Americans did. All was well except for one thing. You see, for years and years the Wayuza tribe has been tormented by heartless from generation to generation. The Wayuza tribe had to do something about it, but many of them were not so strong. Usually some men would go out with spears to fight off the heartless, but most of them never returned. Through the years, the tribe has been tormented and attacked, until now. You see when Squantie turned 17, a man far off in the mountains came to power. A strong man named Sakar. Sakar was a man, who was a bit tan, and he had long red hair and a crown made of jewel encrusted gold, a velvety gold cape, a gold and silver knight's outfit, and a giant gold castle. Sakar commanded the heartless to attack the Wayuza tribe. He did this so he could get the heartless to steal some possesions of the tribe, and bring it back to the castle. So one night, Squantie went to sneak out and destroy Sakar. When he went to grab his bow and arrow, he noticed that it was not ordinary. Its handle looked like a key handle; and the two sides of the bow and arrow were like slightly slanted key blade type objects (picture of blade at end of tale). He picked it up and noticed that it was a combination of a bow and arrow, and some sort of keyblade. He picked it up and head out for Sakar. Squantie fought many enemys and heartless on his way to Sakar, but it was worth it in the end. Finally he reached Sakar. When he got in the castle, Sakar battled him strongly. It was a ferocious battle. Squantie jumped and landed on a gargoyle statue near the ceiling. All of a sudden, a blue laser arrow appeared in Squantie's other hand. He took the arrow, positioned it with the keyblade, aimed, and shot the arrow right through Sakars head, immediately finishing him once and for all. After that, Squantie took all of the possesions Sakar had stolen, and scared all the heartless away into far off lands. The Wayuza tribe was finally at peace. Squantie's Blade: Sorry for double post, want to keep thread on page.
i am starting to think that in kingdom hearts 2, you only played as mickey without his coat, but never with his coat on. so if they made a code that is play as mickey with coat, then maybe you can possibly take somebody like leon, give him soras moveset, and swap out all of soras animations with leons animations. sounds crazy, but just might work... i would use an emulator and computer to work on this but the whole psx2 dumping your ps2 bios thing has me so confused that i have no way of knowing how to do it.
who are the people that know the target code?
oh ya and evilman, if i have two bosses in my party, for example shan yu and sark, and i change shan yus role to ally and sarks role to boss, will they attack eachother or is there some target code that makes them focus on one another.
so if vivis health is unaffected when i lock onto him what do i do?
it didnt work. what i did was turn donald into vivi using vivis UCM digit. then i used this health code 11C94F00 00000D48 then i tried jokering it E001F3FF 0035B55C 11C94F00 00000D48 but both times when my ally mickey attacked vivi the game still froze. please any advice?
good idea i will try
say for example, i replace donalds slot with vivi, i want to make it so vivi is invincible so he never dies when he is getting hit. thats what i want to know.
so say like i put mickey in donalds slot and vivi in goofys slot. vivi automatically goes after mickey, and mickey goes after vivi, but vivi is defeated quickly by micky, which crashes the game. how do i make it so vivi has infinte hp so he doesnt die by micky right away so i can watch the two kick eachothers butts.
im talking about ANY boss in the game like one specific boss
plz can somebody tell me how to alter a specific bosses health