OOC: Oh sorry. I think it's been a year. BIC: Hark hugged her back. You got that right. He looked at the star filled sky and smiled to himself. Do you ever wonder what's out there Leyna? Other life? Maybe different dimentions to explore?
Mya ran towards Kevin and Alex. Alright. I got some help. She went to Kevin's side and helped him walk into the building.
OOC: Oh oops. Didn't see that. I'll edit.
OOC: Lolz for stallz X3 BIC: Hark continue kissing Leyna until he backed off a bit for breathing room. I hope this war ends soon. I really need time off to be with you more.
Don't worry about bandaging and stitching him up. The doctors and clinics will do that. For now, get him inside. I'll be right back. She jumped out of the van and headed into the building.
Mya continued driving until they arrived at a tall building. She looked back at the others. Here we are. How's his condition?
Mya nodded. I'll try my best. She started driving past the posts and towards the western part of the city.
Hark smiled and lifted her head so he could kiss her.
Hark sighed as he heard the splashing on the other side. Children. They never learn. He pulled Leyna close to him and kissed her forehead.
OOC: Oops lol I meant Kurisu, not Alex sorry :P
OOC: Oh wow I thought everyone was in the van :/ BIC: Mya slid open the van doors. Get everyone inside fast. Alex ran off to create a distraction. We need to get tithe west side of town. They have a clinic there and no police regulation there.
OOC: I thought Kevin and Alex were in the van ._. BIC: Mya sighed. He was too pushy and asking. If you REALLY want to cause a distraction that bad, then I suppose you can go ahead and do that.
Mya frowned. That's still not fair. It's going to be the same scenerio when I'm going. There's not a lot of differences between us.
Mya looked back at the others. Get everyone out. There's an abandoned medical camp a mile to the west. Take Kevin there. I'll try to buy some time.
OOC: Bump for bumpiness :3
Mya shrugged. I'm not stealing. I'll plan to return it if it doesn't get shot up. As she drove, she saw a roadblock ahead with inspection stations. She cursed. Crap. They must've found out about our appearance. Luckily, there were a few cars being searched. It would be a while before they got up there.
OOC: Hater :< BIC: Mya stood up and pulled a towel around her. I'll be back. I think Sasha called for me.
Mya looked around for anyone nearby. When no one was around, she smashed the van,s window and unlocked it. She then hotwired the car and drove it towards the plaza like a normal driver.
Mya drank her soda and tossed it away. I'll try nabbing us a van. Best way to transport Kevin. We'll stop at the docks. They have an off day there. We can do all of our duties there. She jumped over a fence and ran towards the public parking lot.
Mya tapped through her memories, but couldn't recognize how he was described. Well, I'm not to sure who you described, but thanks for distracting him for me.