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  1. heartless_angel
    Sasha drew a circle around their bodies. I don't care how much fun you're having up there Sinder nor the peace you have... She cut her wrists and splattered blood all around the circle. I also don't care much about defying the laws of life just getting you and your friend back. The circle started to glow as Sasha spilled more blood onto the circles. But I can't accept you dying and observing the fate of this world! Mya counts on you as much as you count on her! She trusted you to protect her along with her friends! What if she died? The prophecy will mean nothing! Fight back death and come back where Mya can be happy! Your death will only bring sorrow! She placed her hands on the ground and bright blue light engulfed both of their bodies.

    OOC: Everyone, make sure to give Shadox a warm welcome. Especially F and MS >>"
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jun 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartless_angel
    Mya jumped and turned towards Lightning's voice. It sorta shocked her and also made her glad seeing that she was still alive. Cmon Jaden she's not THAT old. Just because she was sent through time does not make her older then what she is. She hoped to find Grey or Leo, but not seeing them made her down a bit.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jun 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartless_angel


    Mya stared into the distance in silence, listening to Zach and the sounds of the world around them. A new world where things aren't what they are...It sounds exciting and heroic to go into these type of places. I mean it'll be great...won't it? She then thought about death. But what if we die? Is there such thing as an afterlife? Will we be stuck into a world of eternal damnation? Or worse? She shook the thoughts out of her head and buried her face into her arms. Doesn't matter. I'm here anyways. I should've realized what I signed up for.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. heartless_angel
    Mya nodded. Thank you doctor. I don't care as long as she lives. I entrust you that she doesn't leave this hospital. She walked towards the exit of the hospital.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartless_angel
    Sasha walked off. Don't worry about it. I'll catch up with you guys anyways. She walked into the forest, drawn by the smell of blood. She then saw Sinder and Zerci's bodies on the forest floor. How is it Sinder? Being with your loved one for eternity without hate or segregation? Her eyes weren't showing sadness or anger, but regret. What would happen if I took you down from there? Give you both a second chance? Accept life as it is? Don't you want to be with Mya as this land is saved by her? She doesn't know your fate yet. She will find out sooner or later. Tell me. What is it that you desire so much? A peaceful world? Lovers with you? Friends? I can grant you these earthly wants.

    OOC: BTW guys, Shadox might want to come back into this RP. She's deciding either to be some random character or stay as Sinder and Zerci
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartless_angel
    Mya sighed and looked through the window. I didn't wittness the whole thing, but I can tell you what I know as of now. She got into a fight with an EBO soldier and he shot her. The thing was he didn't meant to wound her seriously...or kill her.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jun 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. heartless_angel
    Mya shook her head. I don't know her family. Sorry
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jun 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. heartless_angel
    Mya stood next to Kurisu, examining her operation. She'll make it won't she? I believe in her. She doubted it though. It didn't look as if she could last an hour.
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. heartless_angel
    Sasha looked at the mountains. Dementrio, take the rest up the mountains. I'll do something here. They might detect me. Your magic isn't as strong as mine.
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartless_angel
    OOC: I'm gonna bumpz
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. heartless_angel
    Sasha scratched her head. They wouldn't steal her for no reason. They must have a reason...
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartless_angel
    Sorry for not makin my Crystariam yet 8( I'll do it soon. For now, here's by Eidlon. Mostly Holy/Wind

    1. Arise- Revives with full health, but dismisses
    2. Curaga- Heals a huge sum of HP
    3. Intimidation Light- Forces enemies to attack Eidlon
    4. Ray Beam- High holy damage on one enemy
    5. Areoga- High wind damage over large area
    6. Slashing High- High physical Damage on one enemy. Launches enemy into air
    7. Wing Slash- Moderate physical damage on all enemies
    8. Light Flare- High damaging holy magic on all enemies
    9. Galeaga- Massive wind damage over medium sized area


    1. Shredding Light- Fires a volley of light beams (Chainable up to 3)
    2. Swoop Dive- Massave physical damage on one enemy
    3. Cloud Break- Rains holy beams on enemies (Chainable up to 2)
    4. Splitting Blast- Explosion causing high holy damage on all enemies
    5. Divine Judgement- Summons a bolt of holy lighting, inflicting UBER massive holy damage to all enemies. Dismisses Eidolon
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartless_angel
    Sasha paced the area. I'll call in a meeting with them. I suppose the ceasefire is over now.
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. heartless_angel

    Mya sat on a rock, slightly irritated by Jaden's response. If things were possible, then why did we have to make so many sacrafices? She sighed and kept replaying what happened the past few hours.
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartless_angel


    Mya yelped and fell onto the sand as the ground shook violently. Huh? What's going on? Earthquake? She then saw the others going into the rocks. She ran with the others and jumped onto the rock. Then she saw Zach sinking from a distance. Umm I don't think we should leave him like that should we?
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. heartless_angel
    Sasha frowned. That's the problem. He wants us to go after her.
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartless_angel
    OOC: As usual, the other two are missing out :l

    BIC: Sasha frowned. Probably the soldiers with that human commander who wanted Mya's blood.
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartless_angel


    OOC: I should've added something like she hated the world she lived in on her Bio or something to explain her strange behavior on life and stuff if anyone was confused.

    BIC: Mya continued picking up sand and spilling it onto the ground. Think what you want, but this isn't the world we should know. Maybe we aren't standing on sand. Maybe it could be something else. If someone lived here, wouldn't they come here so they could see the strangers? Don't you find it exciting to be in a different world whhere it isn't the world we live in today?
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. heartless_angel
    OOC: Sorry for me long absence D8

    BIC: Mya wittnessed the whole scene. They were being overwhelmed. But why? What did we do to deserve this? She flew down to Wyatt and helped him to his feet. Don't push yourself. You're only going to make things more complicated.
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. heartless_angel


    Mya stared at the sand in her hands slipping through her hands. If this is a new world, then it's good then right? We don't have to be ordered my anyone. We are our own group. We can set laws and rules just for our likings! We can make a perfect world!
    Post by: heartless_angel, May 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home