Mya smiled and leaned back on a broken wooden beam. There won't be a ship left if you try to contain us. Besides, you wouldn't shoot us if you could, would you? I mean, in my opinion, I would execute powerful people privatly just to not harm my reputation am I right commander? It is L'Cie that saved Coocon correct? So you would have to kill us privatly and sweep up all the evidence. Unless you have a different motive...
Listen, we go for negotiations. Looking for her or attacking them will only provoke them and cancel the thing off. We want the least amount of casualties as possible. We don't need another war on us.
Sasha launched a fireball into the air and it exploded into a lot of lights. I've contacted the humans and told them to meet up where the fireball explodes. Hopefully they can answer out questions...
Mya sat on the steps of the hospital, looking at the night sky. It's sad. I can't see the stars out there anymore. She fingered her neckalace. Mom. Dad. Would you approve of my actions against the whole city and government?
Mya looked up at The Palamecia. So I've heard about her. According to history, you held Sazh and Vanille in there. They escaped of course. What makes you think you can hold in 8 of us? Are going to call in a superpowerful primarch?
Well here's my thoughts on FFXIII-2 One side is they should've never made it. The ending of 13 was great and should've stayed like that. There's no need to extend the line on XIII after so many mixed reviews (I don't see why people hate :<). And all the Serah and no Snow, it makes me wonder. Is she gonna be with that guy? I don remember his name, but if she's gonna be in a relationship with him an stuffs, Im gonna blow up SE HQ. Seriously, even Snow's rebel allies are there. And what about the others? Hope? Sazh? Snow? Serah fighting also made me slightly ticked. She was the type that is never meant to fight. It makes me ponder a lot for this game. So far, I dot know what will happen, but I can sense a lot more hate than XIII itself if SE can't explain what's happening in the right way. On the other hand, I am very curious to see this game. I'm glad they kept the original battle system and stuff. The wandering looks same as well (pray for open world :3). Quick time events I really don't know. I'll keep an eye out on this one. I hope all can be explained soon.
Sasha shrugged. I don't think so. I think the blood is only something about her, not what they want.
Sasha scratched her arm. Well I'm assuming the enemy has Mya. We don't know why yet. Hark placed her back on the ground. We should stop playing around.
Sasha created a warp prisim and stepped into it, teleporting where the others were.
Sasha looked towards the area she sent Dementrio and the others. Mya is in trouble. We have to find her.
Mya stepped forward. Judgement? Who gave you the orders to execute children? We done no action to deserve such punishment. What you are doing, commander, is a waste of time. You could spend all day shooting us until we all die or you can watch the fal'Cie tear apart your ship and probably Cocoon next. And in my opinion, I like the second opinion a lot better.
Sasha casted a small cure spell on the both of them. Hope I didn't interrupt anything. She started bandaging her bloody wrists. I have defied the laws of the living and the dead. I shall face the consequences of the Highers sooner or later.
OOC: UGH my bad DX BIC: Hark smiled. Oh don't worry. Nothing you should worry about.
Mya grabbed Jaden's arm. Jaden, stop. I know these soldiers are treating us poorly, but you can't go off on them likethat either. Do you want the people of Cocoon against us? We fought superior rule 500 years ago. We don't need another one. Please Jaden. She glanced at Lightning. She would understand too.
Mya turned into her Medic class and started to help out the wounded. To her thanks, not many were seriously injured and no one died in the fire. The ones responsible for this must pay...
Mya saw smoke coming from the air in the direction they were walking towards. Umm guys? I'm sure that's the direction to Oreba which means... She started running towards the direction to Oreba.
Hark chuckled and swooped Lynne into his arms.
Well you're off a bit. Firstly, my Eidolon is NOT Valefor. It just looks similar to it. If Alexander does have the same final move, then I'll be glad to change it.
Medic Tier 1: 1. Cure 2. Esuna 3. Regen 4. Dia Tier 2: 1. Cura 2. Curasa 3. Raise Tier 3: 1. Curaja 2. Renew 3. Diaga Tier 4: 1. Holy 2. Diety I'll think about my supports later WTH IT DELETED MY COMMANDO AND SYNERGIST D: Ill do those again :< I also edited my Eidolon so check it up if you need to :P
OOC; Well you guys aren't very active here so yea :< BIC: Hark smiled and tried pushing her away. Hey careful there. My wings do need space ya know.