Mya set Kevin down an looked at Kirisu confusingly. Stalked? By who?
Mya helped Kevin stand upright. Yea let's hurry. We can't stick around too long.
Mya smirked and nodded. I know that silly. I was kidding.
Mya carried her and dropped her behind a dumpster.
Mya stomped on Kira's hand and kicked the gun out of her hand. I suggest you leave before I change my mind of killing you.
Mya stared at Jenny. Was the crystal a part of their lives? If it were to be destroyed, would they cease to exist. Mya looked back at Snow and then back at Jenny. Anger fused up inside of her. what the hell do you people even want?! Why can't you leave us alone?!
OOC: Care to explain, "In the zone?" <<" BIC: Mya yawned and closed her eyes. So soothing. I could sleep here...
Once Mya gor close to the girl, she swiped her feet and knocked her to the floor.
Mya followed and saw the figures although she had an annoying headache fromthe earlier incident. What the hell was that? Some sort of monster?
OOC: Sowwy about the long stall D: BIC: Mya already knew the girl so she stood up calmly. stay here ok? She walked normally to the EBO girl headed her direction.
Mya giggled and nodded. Why shouldn't I? I love hot springs. She stood up and streched.
Mya smiled. I understand. She kissed him back, purring softly.
Mya kissed him back, shivering in pleasure as she felt his fingers along her side.
OOC: No we won't time skip. There's a reason why they are there. Btw, new look o.o BIC: Mya lightly pushed back Dementrio. Now now, we may be in privacy, but it still feels if you know what I mean.
Mya followed Grey, occasionally looking around at the bizzare place and scratching her head. I don't understand. Why did they send us here instead of somewhere else where they can kill us however they want?
Mya jumped thinking some creepy perv was kissing her only to find Dementrio. She relaxed and kissed him back, purring lightly.
Mya got up with some difficulty after getting a hard hit onthe head. She then looked up and saw Snow in trouble. Snow! Hang in there! She started to cast Faithara and Bravara on Lightning, hoping the boost in strength and magic will break the wires constraining Snow.
Mya smiled. Me neither. She nuzzled his chest.