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  1. Aelin
    Karina is going to spend 30 crowns on 1 strength and 30 crowns on 2 more hp
    Leaving Karina with 32 Crowns
    73(+9) Strength
    97 HP
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 5, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. Aelin
    "I will do my best, but unless I can get her to drop the damn trident, I don't think there is too much I can do. It isn't like I have the ability to block magic. But if you keep focusing on those two I will see what I can do about Ursula." Perhaps she could drive her away from the cauldron. After all Karina might not have had the ability to stop Ursula entirely, but she was strong and it was something she could use to her advantage. If the cauldron was indeed feeding her power, then it should be a simple enough task. That being said, Ursula was rather fat and would be heavy to move, on top of that, pushing someone through water was far different than on land, it would take more energy that she wasn't entirely sure passed into her tail when she transformed from human to mermaid. Karina cursed herself for not testing that out more during the calmer points, but they had other things that they were having to deal with at the time.

    It was all or nothing she supposed. Putting all her strength into her tail, Karina charged at Ursula, letting her keyblade disappear into the aether as she charged, going shoulder first into Ursula trying to tackle her back. It turned out to be a bad idea however as Ursula laughed barely going back a foot before she took advantage of the opening that Karina left for her, throwing Karina to the side. She might have been strong but as she hit the rock wall of the grotto, her bones groaned in pain. she wasn't good at taking a hit and she knew that, it wasn't advisable to leave herself open like that, at the moment it had seemed like a good idea, but she should have known better. Shaking off the stun and ache of bones, Karina pushed herself back into battle. She wouldn't let pone mistake stop her.

    Rushing back into the thick of things, Ursula returned to her spot already and what Karina did didn't seem to make much of a difference. She supposed that it was time to go back to the plan of hitting things until they died. It never steered her wrong before, so there was no reason that she couldn't get away with it now. At least with someone this big and slow, there was plenty of openings for Karina to take advantage of, even if she had to just go after some of the tentacles. Anything would help, and while they weren't the ideal target, Karina knew that if she could damage them, then Ursula may have more problems using them to attack, which would mean that she was a slight bit more safe when being up in the face of Ursula like she was now. That being said, it wasn't the tentacles that were the biggest threat, but the weapon that she wielded and the magic that she was building that Karina didn't know how to stop.

    Word count: 506
    EXP: 300
    BP: 0/104
    Flotsam: 170/300
    Jetsam: 300/300
    Ursula: 1718/2000

    Post by: Aelin, Dec 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    While it would have been quick and easy to deal with the eels first, Karina was more worried about the one holding the trident in her hands who wanted to take Luna and Arial. After all it seemed as though the eels were just following her commands, so if they took out the leader then the other two would be no where near as much of a threat, likely would just try and run away. That would certainly be a sight to see, after all the big talk and all that came from Ursula. Karina knew she herself had a habit of being cocky and full of herself, but she had been shown her limits, and she knew how to overcome those limits, now it was time for Ursula to face the same thing. A good beating would do her some good, and if they were able to kill her, well all the better, it would just mean one less threat in the world.

    Karina went for a hit on the hand holding the trident, and while she skimmed the hand, Ursula managed to pull away in time to keep herself from dropping the thing. Perhaps going for such a targeted shot off the bat would not be the best idea in the world, for now she should just tire the sea witch out a little before going into specifics. Swinging her keyblade around she then caught Ursula across the stomach, angering the woman. With a smug grin on her face, Karina went for another strike, but was caught by Flotsam in the back. "
    Someone, focus on distracting the eels, so I can deal with this mess." She called out behind her to the others. She didn't expect one person to kill both on their own, but if someone could keep them occupied for a little bit, it would leave more of an opening for her to deal with the big threat.

    Turning back to Ursula the woman wasn't going to make it easy on Karina. She striked back at her, wielding the trident as a fierce weapon, but it wasn't enough to stop Karina. Blocking the attack with her own keyblade, Karina proceeded to counter the blow and attack back once more, a smile on her face. This is where she shined, battles like this and she was certainly having fun with it. Sure she was starting to be a better person, but it didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the battles, after all, that was what she was good at. The big battle that she had helped her friends with was something, but without her keyblade it was a bit of a sad reminder of the hole that she felt in her heart. Now though, with her keyblade back in hand, she was left to try out the new strength behind her keyblade, revel in all the glory that came with it, and the strength that it had offered her. After all becoming a master was more than just a title and she could feel that truth throughout her body as she swung the keyblade once more, connecting with Ursula again.
    Word count: 522
    EXP: 200
    BP: 0/104
    Flotsam: 270/300
    Jetsam: 300/300
    Ursula: 1822/2000

    Post by: Aelin, Dec 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    Oh she knew it was a mistake the moment she said it. Luna was going to start blubbering about being friends or some crap like that. Why did they always have to blubber on? Who really cared that much anyways? With a sigh and a bit of a huff Karina chose to ignore the girl. She didn't overly feel like getting into the emotional crap that would come along with slip up of words. "Yeah yeah, whatever." She waved the girl off before dealing more with the task at hand. Beuce had suggested that she leave the king with a sort of parting gift in a way. Some power for him to have. Looking at the trident and then the king, Karina wasn't sure she quite knew how to use it properly, but she supposed it wouldn't hurt to make an effort in order to give the king the upper hand that he would need. Pointing the trident at him, she focused her mind on the magic contained within, doing what she would do with her fire magic when she still had the ability to wield it to it's full extent before she passed it on to Dawn. A beam of light shot out, and she shaped it in the only way she knew how, a boost to his strength. It was a mentality that had become near impossibly hard to break. Though she tried when she could it still seemed like the best way to get ahead.

    "We will keep Ariel safe and then come back to help if it is still needed. Good luck." Karina called to the king before turning and bringing the trident to the grotto so that they could finish this contract. The deal was to just bring the trident here, Karina had no intent of handing it over. She even braced herself for whatever attack was to come, there was no way that Ursula would let it slip through the cracks like that, but who needed a keyblade to fight, she was sure she could do just fine with this things. It kept the King of the Sea in power this long, and Ursula wanted it, so it had to be a powerful enough weapon. What Karina had not expected however was that Ursula and her minions would ignore her completely and attack Beuce instead, who was floating not far from her not doing anything. "What th-" Her words were cut short as the trident was snatched from her hand at that moment. Damn it, for a moment her mind crossed into the territory of reminding her that friends were a weakness, but she didn't let it. No if it wasn't for these people she would have never made it this far. They were not a weakness, it wasn't a bad thing that she cared.

    Ursula then started to keep her deal, bringing Ariel back, but she then caged Ariel, twisting the words of the contract.
    "Well with the contract broken, there really isn't anything stopping us from killing you. And don't hide behind that Trident. Turns out the weapon is only as good as those who wield it. If you are good enough you shouldn't need it to win, and if you do, then it is a simple matter of finding the weaknesses and exploiting them. See you aren't the only one with a magic weapon, but we, unlike you, don't rely so heavily on it that we think exploiting a king was the only way to win something. So you can sure as hell try to defeat us, but you are not taking Ariel or Luna back, I promise you that." She glared at Ursula, keeping the thoughts of what happened with Mizrabel from her mind. There was no point dwelling, just moving forward and dealing with the situation at hand, which happened to be two eels and a crazed octopus witch. Summoning her keyblade to her, Karina was almost excited it was time to show off her new power now that she was a keyblade master once again.

    Sweeping in, she knocked Flotsam away from Beuce before going straight for Ursula, making an attempt to knock the trident from her hands. If they could manage that then there would be one big open weakness for them to exploit. If not they would just have to watch closely, Karina was sure there would be more that she could exploit eventually.

    Word count: 738
    EXP: 100
    BP: 0/104
    Flotsam: 270/300
    Jetsam: 300/300
    Ursula: 1926/2000

    Post by: Aelin, Dec 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    Okay, that first hit wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Tinarah knew that she would be jinxing herself by thinking that, but she needed to keep her motives high. With no one else here with her, it was up to her to keep herself fighting. And while she had reason to fight, she still worried that sometimes she would lose sight of it. She would learn though, if her past was anything to go by, she couldn't count on people being around forever, no one would be, so she had to learn to do this by herself, no matter the challenges. Letting ice form on the tip of her keyblade, Tinarah shot off two consecutive shots at the creature in front of her, utilizing the magic while it was at it's strongest. She then turned and slashed at the hand of the Darkside using the magic imbued into the blade itself to make everything a little more powerful.
    Tinarah cast Blizzaga twice, then Attacked
    HP: 159/175
    MP: 87/96
    FOC: 5/17
    FLUX: 1/4

    STATUS: Magic's Dance (4 Turns)

    Post by: Aelin, Dec 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    "Mortimer is a grotesque, repulsive, sniveling, full of himself, creepy, ravenous, apparently ink like, rat creature, with no respect for others." Karina literally shivered as she spat out the words describing that thing. "He is worse than you." And that was saying a lot since Karina never like Aux and had not let go of all that he had done to them. She didn't care what excuses he had for doing them, none were good enough in her opinion. She could tolerate him for now, but it didn't mean that she had to like him, at all.

    They arrived back at the palace and Triton was certainly not happy. Before Karina could call him out on what he did, Sebastian came swimming in reporting about what some others saw or whatever.
    "Long story short we are back to save the daughter that you drove away with your overly harsh attitude. So I would suggest you let us help and bring that Trident to Ursula's layer. She said it had to be there, didn't specify that it couldn't have someone attached to it. Once there the contract with Ariel should break. If not, well hopefully whatever power that thing holds won't be too much that we won't be able to kill her after she has it. For now though it sounds like we have other problems to deal with on our way, and I would suggest you don't interfere with this." The king was indeed wise though and already offering the trident. Karina was the first to swim forward and take it from him turning back towards the others and the way back to Ursula's grotto. "Lets have some fun." At least a fight would be a good distraction from all the confusing thoughts since coming back.
    December attendance 2/30
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    Karina had been trying to listen to all conversations at once and figure out what was going on piece by piece. At first she was avoiding listening in on Steel and Luna, but Karina couldn't help it if it had caught her attention. "Guess we will just have to kill the Hell Fire club. Seems easy enough to me." Karina suggested nonchalantly from where she was floating between everyone. "I mean we need to do it to keep everyone else safe anyways, may as well do it for a friend as well." It occurred to Karina how strange that sounded. She couldn't remember really ever calling anyone a friend, save maybe Arctus, and that was more to hide... whatever else was going on between the two of them, something Karina still wasn't able to name. She caught herself glancing at Beuce wondering if she she ask him about it. Later. Now was not the time, they needed a moment truly alone, and that would certainly not happen during this escapade.

    Karina looked out towards where they were supposed to be heading and hated to break up the conversation, but she did worry about standing around too long.
    "I know these lists are important and all, but maybe discussing them could wait until we all meet up on Olympus.... Right I was supposed to tell you guys that. Right now I think we have a princess to protect, and a father to talk to." She didn't want to sit around so long that something went wrong. They could talk later, they knew who the princess here was, so they needed to worry about her first.
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    Maybe this was a mistake, but it was too late to turn around now. She couldn't run away, besides this was an illusion made for training, nothing could go too wrong here. Still the enemy in front of her made her nervous. It was one thing that she was practicing against training dummies in the courtyard that couldn't fight back, this was another thing entirely. However maybe if she could beat this then she could earn the respect she so desperately wanted. She didn't have time to worry right now about how people would look at her, she just had to do this. She put herself in this position, it was time to face it.

    Readying her keyblade at her side, Tinarah quickly ran through what she could do to start this. The first thing she could do was easy enough, if she channeled her magic through her sword, she would get a good boost up on it. Then perhaps she needed to take advantage of her drive form early on, since Tinarah did know that it would help keep her healthy. With those plans in mind, Tinarah ran her keyblade across the ground, as she brought it up, a burst of energy flew from the tip at the heartless. She then bounced back, touching her necklace as she let the music and magic encircle her, empower her. It was just the start of the battle but Tinarah was already bracing herself for whatever was to come, watching the heartless closely.
    Tinarah Used Blade Beam then entered Magic's Dance
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Tinarah lingered listening to the explanation. Boreas jumped on doing one with Torrin, but Tinarah didn't feel like finding a partner. After her talk with Fost, she hadn't felt like talking to anyone, which meant she didn't want to work with them either. Walking into one of the rooms, not looking back at everyone else. Looking through the options there was only a single one that was made for one person. Was she good enough to pull it off? She supposed that it was time to try it out since there was no way that she would be able to achieve one that required more people by herself. Closing herself in the room, she selected the one named "Lonely Heartless" and held her breath, hoping for the best. If she could manage to do this, then perhaps she would try one made for two people and see how far her luck took her. She couldn't hide behind Take and Chrono forever, she needed to learn to stand on her own.
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    With the meeting coming to a close Tinarah barely flashed a glance at her companions before turning herself to walk out. She supposed this kind of training would do her better than what she had been doing. Training dummies didn't typically fight back. She had to wait a moment for Kide to be ready to head down, but as soon as he started leading, Tinarah followed, keeping herself quiet as she did. She wasn't sure what to expect of this training, and part of her balked at the thought. She had done so much training with Torrin and it turned out to be for the wrong reasons. As much as she wanted to trust the council, she found it another struggle for her. She trusted Stamatis, and she trusted Choma, but after the conversation she had, she couldn't trust Fost, and she didn't know what she thought of Gero. The rest of the masters she didn't know well enough to think one way or another about it. With Choma and Stamatis gone, it did make her wonder if there was another reason for it or just unfortunate timing. Either way she wouldn't have time or energy to think about it when she started her training, and in a small, twisted way, she looked forward to that.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    Oh this wasn't helping Tinarah's mood one bit. She might have found the fire to keep pushing forward and get stronger, but it didn't mean she was going to like having to train the way the council decided for them. Not only were they fighting some sort of illusion, which was not ideal in her opinion, though she was willing to wait and see before fully judging it, but they were also training with unfamiliar masters. The one that spoke up first really had Tinarah unhappy about things, his tone was enough to bother her, not to mention the way he spoke down to them. The rest of the conversation with Gero and Torrin faded away while Tinarah looked between the masters in charge of their training, then glancing at Fost. She was surprised that he wasn't in charge if they were going to be pushing them. While Tinarah never trained with the man, she knew he was a harsh teacher, she learned that when Stamatis adopted one of his methods to try and push her to get her keyblade back.

    Kaio's words cut through Tinarah's thoughts and she glanced at the boy that he was talking to.
    "He's right, we do need to train, trust me. I have seen his power, several times. I saw him nearly take two of my friends, nearly kill my master, one of the strongest men I know, and he sent me to a place no one thought possible. A parallel world to this one, and into the past for that matter. The Light Chaser isn't just some tyrant on a single world, he is destroying worlds. If your master fell to him, what makes you think that you can fight him? I don't want to see anyone else get hurt, but if we go out again, we will be asking to watch our companions fall around us, if we don't fall first, and I can't- I can't watch that again. So please just listen to reason and don't get yourself killed." Tinarah tried to reason, her voice getting a little softer than before, almost sad as she finished what she was telling him. It was her reason to fight, above trying to earn Fost's affection, it was so that even if he didn't care for her, she didn't have to watch him die. She refused to see Fost, or Stamatis, or Choma, or Take, or Chrono, or Aria die. While Light Chaser wasn't after the world she saw in the other realm, she had a feeling his world would be just as bad.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    "I will hold you to that." Karina stated as Beuce said he would fill her in later. Perhaps later they would also have time for a full conversation without being interrupted by a nosy king-mermaid-father who had nothing better to do than yell at his daughter. Beuce then went on to explain about the list of princesses of heart that they had. As she took note about it and how Ariel was one, she wondered who else there was. She knew a few of course, through their travels they had come across situations like these, but knowing what to watch out for now, would definitely help them.

    As Beuce spoke he brought up a name that had Karina scowling.
    "I don't care if you say it isn't possible, I will find a way to murder that bastard. I did it once in my Mark of Mastery, even if that wasn't a real one, I will do it again." Karina promised, shivering at the memory of the kiss. Beuce tried to move the conversation on, but Karina was still thinking of the mouse that she so hated. "Uh? Right. Loopholes. Well as soon as Ariel's contract is broken, we can just kill Ursula. We are Masters now, it shouldn't be a problem." Karina shrugged, not up for strategy. "Lets just go talk to 'ol' daddy dearest' and get that trident so that we can get the ball moving. Who knows what other plans that sea witch has up her sleeve for Ariel."
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    Arriving in the council room, Tinarah was sweating and tired from her workout. The drain of her magic was a part of it all, it took a lot out of her and she was pushing herself hard, she hadn't expected Selene to show up to call her to the council room. She wanted to ask the master for another change of clothes, but right now they had more pressing matters. Finding a spot near the back, Tinarah remembered the last time she was in here, and shifted uncomfortably. Scanning the masters that were gathered, there was several missing, some being the ones she was most comfortable around. Soon enough Gero started to explain where they were, and Tinarah could only think about the fact that she left her stuff in Stamatis' room, and she felt a little weird fetching it when he was not there. She didn't know what to do about that.

    The announcements continued, some talk about additional training and deaths of masters. Tinarah's eyes flickered towards Fost, the only one sitting before them that she really cared about. Tinarah could feel her heart sinking though, not thinking about him, he was fine and strong, but Choma and Stamatis. They were away from the rest of the council and Tinarah knew that is when A had jumped last time. What if he did so then? Would they all come back? Why would they send Stamatis away when he was just barely healed and was being sought after by the Light Chaser? None of this made sense to her.

    "So since you sent away the Masters of those of us who are fortunate enough to still have them, except Qamar, do you have a plan of who is in charge of our training, or do we keep fighting random illusions with no real instruction?" Tinarah was a little annoyed that she asked two masters for training, and they were gone the moment that training was supposed to start. She didn't want to train with any of the other masters, unless Fost was willing to train her, which he wasn't even willing to do so in the other realm so she doubted it would happen here.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Over time as Tinarah sat and meditated, she decided to try and channel a small amount of her magic into the necklace, like Stamatis had done for her. It wasn't like she was going to use it for anything right away, but more an experiment of whether or not she could, in fact, do it. The more she tried to focus on the task, the more an image started to form in her own mind. Magic swirled around her, wild and unshaped, her magic. She could make it into anything she wanted to, use it to help flow her trough a passage of time, or heal someone. She was able to create fire and ice with half a thought. This was her talent, her gift, something more than she could have ever imagined on her home world. It was wondrous, beyond her imagination, and if she dared, it could be powerful. Part of her mind nudged her to think that if only she had the gift sooner, she could have saved her mother, but even that was untrue, not at that age. Tinarah forced her mind to move on, focusing more on the spectacle around her than to think of her mother. Unlike Chrono, she had moved on from that, learned to live with it. Even in the other realm, where she was far enough back in time to warn her mother of what might happen, she didn't. She knew her reality, and learned long ago to push away any emotions to do with it, not when speaking about it could not only get her killed, but her brother and father too. Chrono however always wanted more answers, and that is what, in the end drove them both to this point.

    While she didn't blame her mother for her life since she died, Tinarah did know that there were a few scars that left their marks. Her fear of people leaving her was one of them. That is why she chased after her brother. And while Tinarah had thought she was getting over it during her time in the other realm, that had been flipped on it's head once again when she arrived to find both Stamatis and Fost dead. She had some hope again when Stamatis was willing to take her under his wing here, but Fost had her doubting. She knew why it would be hard for him, and yet she still blamed herself, hated herself for his words. The more she thought about it, the darker her magic turned, until it dissolved around her, leaving her in a dark space feeling like she was gasping for air. Here she was in a space that was supposed to be calming the mind, but when she let her own doubts get the better of her- well Tinarah started to realize what she was seeing in her minds eye. This space was her, the inside of her. The more that she doubted herself, hated herself, and rejected those things other claimed to be true about her, the darker the space became. But when she was relaxed and trying to empower herself she could see the light, the power, and the possibilities. She would never get Fost to take a second look at her like this. He blamed her for almost getting Stamatis killed, so she would become a person that could at the very least hold him off long enough for Stamatis to flee if it had come to that again. While Tinarah had no delusion of becoming powerful enough to beat him any time soon, she could become enough to at least be effective in some manner.

    As these thoughts cemented themselves in her mind, the magic started to flow and light the area again. Even as Tinarah opened her eyes and stood up, she could still see a phantom image of it around her. placing her hand on a rock, she started to channel some of her magic through it, shaping it and lifting it, she then turned and with half a thought flung it at a tree. Simple enough move, but a good start. Collecting some rocks along the path, Tinarah worked with her mastery over stone, combining smaller ones into one larger one before launching it at a tree, sometimes even enlarging the stone with rock created out of her own magic. When she reached the outskirts of the forest she dropped the remaining rocks, heading towards an outdoor training arena along the side of the castle. Looking at the training dummies she willed not just one magic, but two to appear in her hands, opposing magics, Fire and Ice. It took a moment to get them both swirling at full force, but once she managed it, she sustained them before shooting them both at the same target. Next Ice and Stone, one in each hand, this time aimed at two different targets. If she was going to go anywhere she would have to push the limits of her magic, only then would it grown and she could prove that she would be worth while and she would not be blamed for anything else.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    "Wait what are these lists? What exactly are we referring to?" Karina floated with her arms crossed. Of course Luna was a princess, but she didn't know how that related to anything. What her worlds governmental system was, shouldn't affect anyone else, so the fact that this seemed like a big thing confused Karina. "I know I have been away for a while, but some filling in would be nice, knowing what happened while I was gone and what you are referring to. After all I am now a master like the rest of you." There was a small smile that tugged Karina's lips and she looked at Beuce. It was thanks to him of course that she was here after all, now she just needed to figure out what was going on so that she could help with the situation.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    "It is his own damned fault." Karina muttered to Steel. "Perhaps if we point that out to him, he will just give us the damned thing. I don't feel like getting smited by the king of the sea. I am pretty sure he hates me enough, and I just got back." She would rather not die before she got to see everyone else again, and before she truly figured out what was going through her own mind with those around her. Caster, for example. It was hard for her to explain her feelings about him, but she enjoyed her time with him. But on the other hand there was Beuce, who always made her feel accepted, and okay about herself and she didn't want to accidentally do something to make either of them hate her. She would need time to sort that out, and trying to steal from the king of the sea might mean the time wasn't there. That being said they couldn't just leave Ariel to try and kiss that prince on her own. They had to do something to help. "We will see what we can do, but Beuce is right we want to make our own contract so you don't screw us over as well. Is that a deal?"
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    As they entered the entrance, the first thing that Lumen smelled was what seemed to be hot chocolate. He asked to go, and while Chrys seemed indifferent, she could hear the girls stomach growling. "Yeah I can take you there." She told them as she lead them a short way down the hall until she could hear voices coming from the kitchen, some even talking about breakfast. Tinarah tried not to let out an audible sigh as she stopped right in front. "Well the kitchen is ahead. I am sure that Aria will share some of her hot chocolate if you ask, and I think I over heard something about breakfast." Tinarah tried to seem pleasant as she turned away from the kitchen, not stepping for in herself. "I was going to go meditate before I ran into you guys. You will be in good company, I will see you later." With that Tinarah left the two to introduce themselves and headed back for outside.

    Instead of meditating in one of the nearby gardens like she had first intended to, Tinarah found herself walking for a lone while. She didn't want to be anywhere that anyone could just bump into her. Finding a bit of a wooded area, Tinarah finally stopped and sat on a log. She just listened to what was going on around her, the nature, and took time to breath. It started to remind her of being back at Stamatis's castle. Closing her eyes she remembered her sixteenth birthday with Stamatis and Fost and the three cakes. She missed her uncle, but she knew it took a while to get into his heart, she couldn't just expect it to happen. She would just have to prove she was worth his attention. While she might not know how to do that, she could figure it out, all the while she worked on herself. She couldn't expect him to love a person that couldn't love herself, so that was what she would need to work on first... and then maybe friends. Originally she only had the two of them to cling to, but that wasn't the case anymore, maybe it was time to move on.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    "I don't care." Tinarah snapped. She didn't mean to snap, but he was so happy bragging about his music and lute while Tinarah was grasping at straws to keep her head above water. It was unfair, and while she knew that it wasn't his fault, she couldn't help but hold some contempt towards him as he prattled on and on. At least he had wanted to see the council at some point, it meant that she could only show him around until they found a member and then ship him off. Chrys on the other hand just came from the council, but the girl was less happy go lucky and not as high strung, meaning Tinarah felt like she could probably deal with her for longer. While she didn't really know what to talk to Chrys about, she was curious about the girl in many ways. The way that she spoke and acted, it wasn't like the other Light Chaser students that were there, and the fact that she was now here, something must have happened.

    Glancing towards Chrys Tinarah sighed.
    "We better keep up before he gets himself lost and pisses off the wrong person." Then she started to ascend the stairs after Lumen, not even sure where to take him. There were certain area's that Tinarah would avoid, such as where the piano was set up. She didn't feel like hearing him announce that he was great at that too, but basic area's, stuff he would need to know and eventually the council. Perhaps she would bring them by the kitchen too, she wasn't sure if anyone had eaten yet. "I'd keep that pet of yours hidden whenever you are around Take... The shorter kid with the dark hair. He isn't a fan." She warned Lumen before entering the front hall, waiting to see if Chrys was following.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    "That's unfortunate, that has seemed to be happening a lot lately." There was a sense of apathy to her voice as she spoke to the boy. She didn't mean to sound that way, but after the conversation with Fost she couldn't bring herself to care all that much about anything. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes at him as he played the lute though. She had felt rather unique in a way for being one of the only ones here good at music, it was her singular pride, but between this new guy and one of the other ones, that felt like it was slipping from her grasp as well. Chrys wasn't managing to be much help with conversation either which didn't really help anything. "Um... can I show you guys around the castle or something? I don't know." She couldn't figure out how to be social right now, but at least she was trying. She supposed meditating would have to wait until later since it seemed no one else was willing to go anywhere near any of these new people. She could guess why Take left. She heard enough with why Illiana and Boreas left, so she supposed she could push aside the pain in her chest to be a decent person to these others here.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    "I don't know what your definition of strategy is, but what you have all done isn't strategy and we aren't on the last line, not when we have lost people to his students, and nearly lost Take to him. He showed up, twice now. He has kidnapped numerous of us, and still we are out there and you all are here. And I never asked Stamatis to come to me. I contacted him yes, but I was content just talking, he chose to show up." She told him flatly, angry and defeated and hurt, as Nini jumped out of her hands to join Take instead. It hurt more than anything the harsh words that he spoke to her, Tinarah missed her uncle and all she could think of was wanting to go back. She knew that she wasn't strong enough though, not on her own, and didn't know how to ask if Gero would send her back. He had opened the portal once after all. But for now she was left with a different situation, as Fost walked off she was left with two new people, one she had seen before and one that she had not. Take had left because of the arrival of the one, and while Tinarah didn't feel all that hospitable, she couldn't just leave the two of them alone, she had to make at least an effort.

    "Don't worry I am not going to bite, and despite some of the other reactions here, I don't hate you. If you haven't caught my name by now it is Tinarah." She spoke to Chrys trying and failing to give the girl a small smile. "I don't know your whole story of why you are here, but you were the only one to not yell at me when I went to help my friends, and for that I am willing to give you a chance." After all, Torrin nearly attacked her and she gave him a chance, and it turned out that he was able to save their butts on numerous occasions.

    Tinarah then glanced over at the new guy who had gotten off what seemed to be a rideable dragon.
    "No you didn't come at a bad time. The conversation is over. To answer your question we are all here for our own reasons," they were too hard to explain to even bother trying. "so what is your story?" She honestly didn't even want to listen, but she couldn't think of what else to say to him. Tinarah glanced over to Chrys for help on that front, but she had a feeling that she would be equally as lost on what to say.
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena