Turning form Kaio, Tinarah sighed. This was going no where. "Chrono do you know where Take is? I want to try again, this time with a friend." Tinarah asked her brother, offering him a small smile but not too much of one, she wasn't lying when she said she was feeling a bit drained. She wanted to get through this time training until her masters came back. Perhaps in that time Fost would change his mind, but she doubted it. She knew what betrayal felt like it. She knew how hard it was to heal after that sort of thing. She had been working on it for a very long time. She wanted her uncle back, but she wasn't willing to let herself get more hurt in the process of all of this.
Her other teammates didn't seem all that talkative, that was no fun, so instead Karina chose to ignore them, just focusing on mainly dealing with Ursula, it was their priority after all. Seeing how much damage she had done last time, Karina decided that in this fight it was her best bet to keep at what she was doing and attack. Karina uses a combo 20/30
Sighing and shaking her head slightly Tinarah didn't know what to do with this master. He seemed to just need something to say in order to get under peoples skin it seemed. "And that is why we are here isn't it? So I can get stronger and heal before going out against the real threats. I am no fool, I know if this was real life I would never make it. I have had enough close calls to prove it." Without thinking Tinarah covered her still scarred wrist. "And that is why I am going to keep training and fighting and learning. It is all I can do at this point. And without Stamatis or Choma here, and Fost not wanting to get his poor heart hurt again, I am stuck with you, and you with me, so make it easier on the both of us and stop trying to find ways to break me. My emotions are worn through for the day, and I just want to train and forget about the morning." She admitted.
"Funny," Tinarah started rather flatly. "that is what happens when one nearly starved to death and is just getting their strength back. But not to worry, I didn't go in expecting to win. I had gone in thinking I needed to prove myself to Un- To Fost that I wasn't about to go and get people killed, I wasn't that worthless. Show him I was strong enough to stand on my own two feet, and not give anyone an excuse to say I was hiding behind someone else. But that isn't what I got out of this. Turns out it was just a reminder of how awful it is to be alone. I thought I would be used to it by now, but I found myself wishing for help, not just cursing myself for being weak. I think this was what I needed to get over this morning and just get on with it. So thank you for not yelling at me, but I assure you, I do know my shortcomings." Tinarah bowed slightly to him, before thinking for a minute and admitting. "I had, at one point, thought that I could win, and I am sure this simulations were meant to be winnable. I have to say I am disappointed in myself, but at least I fought to the end." She didn't know if any of that is what Kaio wanted to hear, but she figured saying it out loud now, would be better than wondering if what she thought she learned was actually worth it. It was strange having to speak to him though. She felt like she was close to so many Masters compared to most due to her time in the other realm, but here she was with two strangers training her. Tinarah turned when she heard Chrono approach. "It's okay Chrono, you don't need to comfort me, I am fine." She was actually feeling better than she had in days, despite her loss. "I think next time I just need some back up. Perhaps you and Take would want to tag along." She added. She had done her one solo match, and she didn't plan to go back to it any time soon. Perhaps later in her training she would do it again as a bench marker for how she was doing, but for the time being, Tinarah was happy with only suffering through that once. Sure she was glad to work through some of her problems and sort them out, but it was emotionally draining and it was not something she wanted to experience again any time soon.
Tinarah takes Poison Tinarah upgrades Poison -> Poisona -> Poisonaga Tinarah is spending 4 points in MP. 2 points in HP and 3 points in AP Lvl: 52 HP: 185 MP: 100 AP:23 Def: 13 Foc: 17 Speed: 11 Flux: 4
She could only shake off the pain for so long, but Tinarah kept pushing forward despite it. She might as well go down with a fight, even if there was no real point in going either way with it at this point in time. Tinarah had wished that she could have done more, wished that she could have won this battle, but while the demon tower was significantly smaller than when she had started the battle, the hits she was taking from it, out did the damage she managed to do to it. She hadn't thought that she could win this when she went in, but as the battle went forward, she had let her hopes get high, only for her defeat to be more crushing. In a small twisted way, Tinarah hoped that she wasn't the only one who failed, if she was, then maybe she didn't belong here at all. Even with her health and trying to get back into shape, Tinarah believed she should be better than she was. Perhaps that was just wishful thinking. She hadn't even been able to force herself to eat a full breakfast that morning, she was struggling in more ways than one, yet she thought she could do this on her own. Putting a hand to her stomach, feeling the bones in her ribs, she let it sink in how unfit she still was, and how despite that she beat one of the challenges and nearly finished the other. Then in one last ditch effort to not go down without a fight, Tinarah ran forward, meeting the heartless with her blade. She fought back against them, standing her ground, but ultimately they overwhelmed her, leaving her on her back, barely able to move, as the illusion of Eventide faded and a warm healing light surrounded her, just before she could lose consciousness completely. Tinarah picked herself off the ground and dismissed her keyblade, as she exited the room, upset with herself, but not crying over it. Mostly she was just dreading what the Masters had to say about her performance.
There was very little hope left. She was run so dry that she couldn't even think of a way to get out of this, but Tinarah was not going to stop yet. She wasn't going to be weak and give up. She could at least fight until the very end. There was strength in knowing when to run, but in a simulation, she wasn't going to die anyways, so she wasn't going to run from it. Tinarah did all that she could to force herself forward, channeling what energy she had left into moving a bit more quickly before striking the tower again. It was futile, she knew that, but she prayed for a miracle anyways. Maybe she if she could be just a bit stronger.... Tinarah used Dodge roll and attacked HP: 53/175 MP: 5/96 FOC: 0/17 FLUX: 0/4
Tinarah's eyes widened. She was beaten and bloody and she was desperate. There was no one to save her here. She couldn't call on another power, and this battle had been going on for too long. Perhaps if she had waited on her drive form. Perhaps if she didn't squander her magic. She had once thought herself with plenty to spare, but now she feared what she had was not enough. There was nothing left for her to grasp for, she just had to hold out as long as she could and hope for the best in what was to come. She had come so close though. Raising up her keyblade, in one last act of defiance, she put everything she had left into her own magic to pour into taking away some of the pain that was wracking her body. A little longer, that is all she needed. Tinarah used Curaga and attacked. HP: 83/175 MP: 1/96 FOC: 5/17 FLUX: 0/4
Dawn nodded to the so called leader of the group. She wasn't entirely sure why she came here at Karina's call agreeing to help. Clearly she wasn't needed, and Dawn wasn't too sure about her new powers either, but she supposed anything was better than waiting at home. It scared her, to have left, but she tucked that fear deep into her heart away from the sight of the people around her. "Alright lets go, see what we can find, and don't worry we won't touch anything." After all she had started talking about the plan, she could sure as hell follow it, she didn't need to be reminded. Keeping her guard up, Dawn started to walk towards the stairs down. She didn't look forward to finding out what was in that lab, but she would do what she had to in order to get them out, then she could figure out what she wanted to do with the mess that Karina had left her.
This was going to be close and Tinarah was getting nervous, she didn't know if she could do this anymore. Her magic was running dry and the tower wasn't shrinking enough to actually make her feel like there was a distance. Getting desperate, Tinarah shot another blast of ice towards the tower, following it up with a blast of fire hoping the contrast would add a bit of damage and hopefully making a difference. She didn't know if it would, but she burst forward slashing at it out of desperation. She knew that she was getting sloppy but she had to try. Tinarah used blizzaga, Fira and attacked HP: 73/175 MP: 15/96 FOC: 5/17 FLUX: 0/4
Looking around Karina debated her options. She was lucky that she managed to avoid the last attack and with Luna's help she was doing just fine. Smiling she turned back to Ursula, "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked the witch as she moved towards her unleashing a powerful series of attacks, it was nothing special, which made Karina even more pleased. She could do so much, but just basic attacks managed to do a lot of damage in and of itself. Glancing around at everyone else she was glad to see they were working together and she could step back and didn't have to make sure everyone was alright. She was a leader no longer and she could honestly say she was relieved. Karina attacked with a combo 19/30
We are at it again. For those who don't know what this is, cstar and I challenge each other to a video editing contest of sorts. We choose a song and give ourselves a time limit, then we both sit down and edit to that song for the allotted amount of time. Just for fun we like to put it up for a vote to see who won this "contest." So happy voting, and like "Who's Line is it Anyways" the points don't matter, so no offending anyone here. cstar: Aelin:
As the form faded Tinarah had to rethink her planning. This wasn't going well at this pace, the tower of heartless was looking thinner, smaller, at least half the size it was before. That wasn't good enough though, not with the way that she was feeling. She couldn't keep this up forever and she was out of abilities to do. She was running out of energy and tricks and she didn't know what to do. She was scared and hated it. She could feel tears pricking at her eyes, but she tried to shove them off. "No! I am not going to fail this." She wasn't going to let herself get too emotional either, that was what he said her downfall was and she couldn't let that happen. Rallying her strength to her once more, Tinarah pushed forward and attacked the tower once more with her keyblade, before stepping back and blasting it with fire. Tinarah used Fira once and attacked. HP: 103/175 MP: 28/96 FOC: 5/17 FLUX: 0/4
So focused on the battle, Tinarah nearly forgot that it was a simulation, not when the heartless were still relentlessly hounding her. Whatever made her think that this was a good idea, she didn't know anymore, but at least it cooled her down and gave her a chance to clear her head. Having to focus so much on the battle, brought her mind back to a place that she actually wanted to talk to people, compared to avoid them completely. By this point she just wanted to get it all done with and be able to get out of this simulation. Sure she could just end it whenever she wanted to, but she was this close already, she wanted to prove that she could win it. Healing herself once more, Tinarah then fell back into her same routine of blizzaga and light that had gotten her this far. Perhaps not the most impressive plan, but it served her well so far, she saw no reason to stop. Tinarah used Curaga, Blizzaga and attacked. HP: 93/175 MP: 35/96 FOC: 5/17 FLUX: 0/4
Karina couldn't help but squirm. The way that Beuce describe it just made her sound... emotional and she didn't like that. "Yes yes, got it. Lets kick her butt." Karina smiled a little bit. "Time to really show you what I have learned while I was away and while becoming master. Just watch." She added looking to Beuce, almost for approval, and she didn't know why. Karina rallied her strength to her to a point that it nearly manifested around her. Strength flowed through her body and then she did the stupidest thing that she could think of doing, she pushed herself even further as she launched forward delivering an impactful blow that reverberated though her own body, leaving Karina to swim back leaving a cloud of red where her nose was bleeding. Despite the pain, Karina just smiled at her group. Oh it felt good to be back in action. Karina used Sacrifice. 18/30
Rapidly calculating her options, Tinarah tried to figure out if she could manage without healing this turn. Her healing was meant for more than herself, and she found she was unable to control how much energy she exerted in the process of healing. It was something she had to work on she supposed, so there wouldn't be so much lost magic, but for now, she just had to save her magic where she could. In this form the ice was on her side, and Tinarah knew that if she could survive another hit, it might be better for her to just go with force, get the battle over more quickly if she could instead of holding it out by healing herself until either it fell, or she ran out of magic. The moment that point hit, she knew that she would be out of luck. She would have to put everything she could into this now. The ice that coated her keyblade became more thick as it all moved and channeled towards the tip of her keyblade, before breaking off into two blasts. Those blasts then shot off striking the Demon Tower twice. In the wake of the ice, light shined around her keyblade reading itself for Tinarah's attack, where it exploded upon impact, leaving a decent amount of damage, but also channeling part of that light back to her, covering up some minor scrapes and bruises. Tinarah cast Blizzaga twice, then attacked. HP: 78/175 MP: 50/96 FOC: 5/17 FLUX: 0/4
"Then you need to learn the same lesson as Ananta. Move on. No one else can until you do." Karina warned Aux. She had seen what holding on the the things of the past did to Ananta, making her desperate and it wasn't worth dragging Aux into the same situation. "I don't want you to pay me back for anything, I want you to prove that you have changed and I am not mistaken by trusting you right now. We can start with this fight and we will see after that. And while I put up with you, I won't promise to be friends." After all she still regretted calling Luna a friend, she wasn't ready to get to that point with Aux. 17/30
"As much as I would love to punch you, I am smart enough to know that it would not help with our current situation. As much as I don't like you, my friends must have some reason to allow you to be here, so I can't say too much. I wasn't here this entire time. I had my own issues to work out, so I will restrain myself." Karina responded looking at Aux with a flat stare. Didn't he know not to question things like this, it was starting to sound like he really wanted her to punch him. Did that make him a masochist? She wasn't going to ask about that one though, instead focus on more important things. "That being said if you piss me off enough I very well might punch you." She added as a threat at the end, knowing he would likely take her seriously, and she was okay with that. 16/30
"You know that would be pleasant to see." Karina laughed slightly at the thought. "But appreciated." She added because she wanted to make sure that he was still willing to help her out that way. "But yes, I might be strong, but... " Karina glanced over her shoulder, barely catching a glimpse of a scar that wrapping over her shoulder a little bit. "I never had been the most hardy person in the world." Karina tried to laugh but it didn't work, it just sounded like a sad chuckle more than anything. "You keep me alive and I will try and make that ugly face, a little more messed up. Perhaps painting it with blood could do her some good." Karina suggested. 15/30
As they got ready for the fight, Karina glanced over at Aux. She knew how everyone else fought, but she had not been in a big battle with Aux. "So aside from picking up people and throwing them into black holes, what is your actual fight style. What can we trust in you to actually do, if anything?" Karina asked. She knew that Aux could fight, but she wasn't entirely sure how he fought. "I will be on the front lines, should I be making room for you there? Or what. Everyone has their own style after all." It was the most civil she could bother to be with Aux, but at least she was somewhat trying to be a bit talkative. 14/30