Hey Cloud, don't forget to reply to itachi.
Talking to you. It's alright. So what's it about?
Ah, lol. Well good.
Left in the dirt? :/
Lol. It's depressing because I'll have no one else to chat with.
Ah, I see. That's kinda depressing...
Lol, cool. So, anything interesting going on with you? Music and current activities aside.
Ah, I see.
Lol. I see. So... what are you up to?
Lol, sorry... I don't mean to be condescending. I'm trying to tease :/
A Dark Corridor opened behind Raxdyb. Lucrix stepped out of it, both whips free. The clone that had diverted the younger Nobody tugged tbe whips roughly, while the real Lucrix swung the white thorn-whip at the hand holding the gladius.
Lol, that's not what I mean. I still say you're a silly girl.
Raxdyb took the bait, and when he first closed his eyes, Lucrix sprung into action. He glided forward atop a cloud of petals, gaining velocity and momentum, and when the lightning crashed down, burning away the petals, Lucrix leaped forward from the cloud as it burned away and twisted his body into a spin, the whips striking down at Raxdyb, threatening to kill the young Nobody.
Lol, I stand by my statement.
Lucrix admired the youth's oblivious wisdom, but that very admiration died as quickly as it had came. Lucrix summoned black rose petals, which quickly veiled him from Raxdyb's sight. Eventually, the petals expanded and the flurry thickened into a torrent. Lucrix threatened to shroud the room in a storm of black petals.
Rofl. It's true. Also, I've been told I have a very dry personality :P
And you're awesome. I can totally talk to you without worrying that you'd want to talk about something silly.
Pfft!!! What about you? Lots. You?
Dunmer, Altmer, and Nord. Both. I enjoy both of them equally.
Lucrix watched Raxdyb avoid his surprise attack. He noted the small tear and ignored it. So I was correct... his heart blinded his judgment in battle. Lucrix analyzed, noting the difference clearly. Lucrix summoned two roses, one with black petals and the other with white. The stems and thorns of the roses began to twist and turn, wrapping themselves around his arms. He gave a gentle kick to the floor with the balls of his foot, gliding backwards as he formed afterimages. Rose petals as black as midnight fell from each fading image. Lucrix, now akimbo, crossed slashed with the roses, making them become thorn whips, which were practically fused to his arms. One whip was black with red thorns, the other was white with blue thorns. Black and white rose petals fell from the whips. Lucrix left himself open, practically goading Raxdyb to pursue him.