Delicious :D Lol, alright. Hrm... I want to join SOS.
Lol, that's awesome. I never had Thai tea. Is it any good?
Hey Krowley, may I join Kingdom Hearts SOS?
Howdy! How are you?
Since the first whip missed and the second latched on to the Gladius arm, Lucrix decided to teach Raxdyb a lesson in failure. He and his clone gave a sharp tug with the whips, painfully immobilizing the newly awakened Nobody. The real Lucrix gave the youth a painful lash to the back, emphasizing the end of the first real session. "When it's an obvious trap... don't trigger it. When in battle, don't look in one direction," Lucrix explained, his clone bursting into petals. "And most important of all... improvise." He added. He turned around to Xena. "Break is over... again. Don't take it easy on him..." Lucrix commanded, walking past her. She would notice his shoulder was slightly charred.
Lol, doubt it. Goodnight, sweet dreams.
Lol, alright... goodnight. By the way, you won't get me back. Because I'm too evil and sly... and fly. And nerdy. Etc. :P
You don't want to?
Aww... perhaps you should sleep.
Lol, yay! I'm feeling fine. You?
Lol, interesting secret. And I agree. Ah well...
Nice. To be honest, I can't cook. No one taught me how. So I'm jealous :/
Aww... well, it must still be delicious.
...*clings* may I has some?
Lol, aww! I would've given you this chicken&rice that was made two nights ago. It was delicious... until I ate it all. Then it was just gone.
Lol Poor you :P
Ah, I see. Aww! But chicken is awesome!
Meh, don't be. I think people here do. But... meh. Not entirely sure. Believe it or not, I was hardly ever here in the past few years.
Ah, I see. Interesting. ...romances make me sick. Literally. Don't know why.
His post is just a page before our training, half-way through. I'd link you, but... this tablet doesn't play nice.