By the way, my CS is up.
Username: Sessamaru Name: Maverick (Mav) Age: 18 Appearance: Tall, slender. Black spikey hair with green streaks; green chin-length bangs. Tan skin, red eyes. Wears a blue jean jacket with a fur collar and reaches to mid back; white T-shirt, blue jean pants, combat boots. He wears a silver necklace with a sun-moon motif. He has a VII tattoo on his left breast. Personality: Mav is a cocky, optimistic person. Though he has a mellow attitude, he is quick to anger. However, he is kind and caring, willing to go through great lengths to help people regardless of their intentions. He's very competitive, as well. Mav tends to be loyal to his friends and becomes quite audacious when he or others are threatened and faced with some dark, seething fear. He's afraid of loneliness and hates seeing others alone and in pain. Though he doesn't seem to be smart, Mav can be quite clever and insightful. Homeworld: Solace What's most important to you? Friends What do you want outta life? Adventure What are you afraid of? Loneliness and being forgotten Keyblade: Kingdom Key I have chosen the path of the Hunter. I have abandoned the path of the Mystic. KH:SOS Awakening
There's a problem with that plan... Cats love me. *Arches a brow*
Lol, the time you're right, I'll be a half-eaten corpse six feet under. Aww... *drinks tea while leaning against the tree*
Lol, depends when one day is :P I laugh because it's cute
Pfft... hardly qualifies as you being right. Why not? XD
Rofl, how are you right? Lol
Aww...*musses hair* No? You will never make me admit that. Mostly because you're not right. *ahem* That insane people are attractive?
*picks up* Yes? Pfft... shush. ...the rumors are right! Lol
*follows* Pfft... you and I are too young to be old and miserable, giving up dreams and being cynical. However, I heard being insane is quite an...
Hrm? *looks behind tree* Aww... poor you.
Lol, alright. Aww... well, I'm a loveable smartass. So don't worry :P Pfft. I can and I did. Also... meh. You're just jealous '>.>
Also, Krowley said I can join. So... new CS, away!!! I have a silver tongue. And an ego the size of Jupiter. And like the universe, it keeps...
Awesome. Thanks, mate. No, actually. Nikki actually helped me out.
I'll rewrite it. You can tell what? Lol, you're a woman, so you're crazy by default.
...I lost the CS. I am sad... stupid tablet. Lol, I'm good at that. Pfft, you're crazy.
Interesting. Thank you. Pfft... my tongue is awesome. It does magical things that make people happy :P Yes...
*sticks tongue out*
Also, awesome. That would be greatly appreciated.
Lol *steals* Already did. I already made a CS, now I'm just waiting for a response.