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  1. Sessamaru
  2. Sessamaru
  3. Sessamaru
  4. Sessamaru
    Opening Story
    It's been a century since the ultimate demise of Xehanort. Though there are more keybladers now, the heroes of old were the ones who maintained the balance between the Darkness and the Light. As they passed, the forces of Darkness and Light clashed, initiating a neverending war. It has been twenty years since the passing of Sora and his friends... now the new Chosen must embark on a quest to end the twenty-year long war and pass their Mark of Mastery Exams.

    In the midst of the war, a mysterious new group has appeared, calling themselves the Arcana-9. They threaten to tear apart the very fabric of Time in a cataclysmic event called the "Time Spiral". Their leader, Fustax, leads them to obtain a Kingdom Hearts that would dwarf even Xehanort's intricate planning... but what is their true goal?

    1) Keep the RP PG-13
    2) Cursing is allowed, but keep it at a minimum and don't curse in excess
    3) No Godmodding
    4) No double posting; use the edit button
    5) No one-liners. I want at least three sentences.
    6) Please post at least a couple times a week.
    7) Do not control ANY character that is not your own; this includes Heartless, Nobodies, Bosses, Disney Characters, etc...
    8) If you're in a battle, you must post within 24 hours or be killed... or worse.
    9) Don't kill a player's character without his/her permission; you must also give me a notice so I can allow it.
    10) Everyone starts with a Kingdom Key; you will get keychains along the way
    11) Special abilities such as Synch Blade will be learned later on in the RP
    12) Characters must be around the ages of 14 and 19
    13) One character per person. No exceptions.
    14) Rules are subject to change.
    Character Name:
    Homeworld: (Must be an original world)
    Spell: (Choose a low-level spell)

    Accepted OCs
    My OCs
    Username: Sessamaru
    Character Name: Sess
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Homeworld: Radiant Garden
    Appearance: 5'8", slender. Long silver hair with chin-length bangs tipped with violet highlights, green eyes, pale skin. Wears a black turtle-neck, dark blue jeans, red-and-white tennis shoes, and a scarlet trenchcoat with white pads on the shoulders, elbows, and white flames at the hems and tail. Sess wears a silver chain necklace with a rose-shaped amulet. He's the only wielder with the Kingdom Key D.
    Personality: Sess is a loner with a snarky attitude. Despite his cold, wise-cracking attitude, Sess can be quite loyal. He's also quite humble, and even though he never shares his emotions, he is prone to blushing. Sess has a bad habit of pushing people away, though he is quite charismatic. Sess is pragmatic, cunning, and insightful. He personally believes friendship is the most important thing in life, despite his anti-social habits. Sess is known to be audacious on occasions, often charging into the situation, no matter how bleak it seems. His greatest flaw, however, is his tendency to do things on his own. He is often seen as bright and immensely talented.
    Spell: Stop
    Username: Sessamaru
    Character Name: Alister
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Homeworld: Unknown
    Appearance: Tall, handsome, dark-skinned, violet-eyed. Purple hair, which is shoulder-length. Black trenchcoat, red T-shirt, dark blue jeans, white sneakers.
    Personality: Alister is a clever and optimistic youth. He's friendly and warm, perhaps even trustworthy. Alister seems to be distant despite his otherwise people-person personality.
    Spell: Haste
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Aug 5, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
    The pain eventually subsided, and Mav picked himself up off the ground. He made his keyblade disappear as he tried to get his bearing right, listening intently as he looked around. He heard people talking a little ways off, the sound of a bustling town or city. He smirked and went towards the lively place. Maverick winced a little, his body stiff and sore from the fall. "Note to self," he murmured to himself. "Don't fly under the influence of a book." Mav shook his head, trying to stifle a laugh at his own poor joke. He exited the brush and wandered onto a road. With a confident nod, the Wielder ventured along the road until he entered the town.

    Maverick was astonished. Everyone was an animal of some sort, wearing clothes and talking. His eyes sparkled with wonder and his mouth was agape with awe. "This is totally cool," Mav said, laughter bubbling to the surface. This world was amazing! It was different and it further justified his own convictions to travel and to protect the worlds. Maverick continued to walk around, admiring the world as he tried to figure out what to do next.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 5, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Sessamaru
  7. Sessamaru
    H-uh... following both now. Also, kudos.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 5, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Sessamaru
  9. Sessamaru
  10. Sessamaru
  11. Sessamaru
  12. Sessamaru
  13. Sessamaru
  14. Sessamaru
  15. Sessamaru
  16. Sessamaru
    Maverick arrived in the Land of Departure, looking around in all and confusion. "H-uh... so what now?" Mav asked himself, wandering around the Main Hall. He was stumped, unaware of what to do next. As he walked around, he found a particularly interesting book. Mav felt compelled to read it, and he did. It took a while, but when he finished the pages that were written thus far, Maverick felt pumped.

    Adventure was just beyond the horizon.

    Summoning his keyblade, Maverick threw it as it become his Glider, reminiscent of a motorcycle. He, himself, leaped immediately, landing on the Keyblade Glider. He smirked and left the Land Of Departure. Mav flew through the darkness, searching for a world in which to begin his adventure. He saw Nottingham a little ways off and sped towards it.

    As he drew near, Mav lost control and began to descend into Nottingham in a twirling heap of panic...


    "Ah!" He cried as he whirled down from the sky, trying to keep hold of his glider. He was thinking fast, not wanting to die before going on his grand adventure. In the midst of his panic, he activated Blend unknowingly as he tried to get the glider under him. Finally getting his bearings, Maverick got the bike under him. However, he hit a tree and began a rather bumpy, agonizing descent to the ground below. With many huffs, puffs, and OOFs! Maverick finally hit the ground, groaning.

    His glider reverted to a Kingdom Key in his furry, clawed hand.

    Maverick appeared as a black wolf with red eyes, with three locks of humanoid hair, which was green, gracing the center of his face. He wore a blue tunic with a white hose, brown belt, and brown leather boots. He curled in a momentary lapse of pain, groaning.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 5, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Sessamaru
  18. Sessamaru
  19. Sessamaru
    Maverick is departing for


    Activating Blend
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 5, 2012 in forum: OOC Lounge
  20. Sessamaru
    Alright, cool. Thank you.
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for Krowley, Aug 5, 2012