Lol, I got nothing, mate. But if I think of something, I'll let you know. And I expected this to be slow, at the moment, which is fine for me.
Lol, that's good. I don't do well with jealousy :P
Lol, I'm finding it quite well. It is quite entertaining from what I've read and I am greatly anticipating things to happen on my end.
I didn't know you swung that way ;)
And I would love to live a woman. A woman. More than one is just asking for trouble.
Lucky! I want some :P
Maverick looked at her and cocked his head. "Nope," he said. "I'm from a place called Solace." Mav explained, looking left and right. He frowned. "To be honest, I came here in search of adventure. If you'd like, I can help you find your friends. I'm guessing you're like me... from another world?"
Lol, awesome. So what are you eating?
Lol, thanks. I was bored, so... yeah.
Lucrix was alone once more, and he took solace in it. He let himself remained unhooded for a moment, the petals on the ground creating multiple clones of himself. The entry ways into the training room were blocked off by thick brushes of thorns. There were twelve clones in all, and they all summoned both of their hookswords. Lucrix felt the need to train himself, and he divided his will power to all of his replicas, strengthening their endurance. "Go..." he said aloud. All of the replicas attacked him simultaneously. Lucrix summoned his twin hooks, dashing forward to engage the assault. His blades dashed left and right, hooking the lead replica's blades. He pulled them away, out wide, and issued a kick into the clone's abdomen, already flying out into a graceful spin as the replica flew away. Moving fast and heavy, Lucrix slammed the linked hookswords in his right hand against another clone, the linked swords in his left slamming heavily into another's sudden guard. Anticipating the guard, Lucrix spun the opposite way, following with another strike. The guarding replica anticipated the blow and parried, unhooking a blade from Lucrix's, following it with a counter with a side swipe. Lucrix leaped away, watching the weapon fly away and vanish. Three other replicas closed in and struck at the real Nobody. Lucrix swung the right hooked swords, fending off two of the clones to his right, guarding his left with a perfect parry. The clone he disarmed earlier summoned five vines of thorns that were launched towards him with deadly force. Anticipating the move himself, Lucrix kicked his gliding form high into the air, unhooked the right blades, and leaped atop an ambushing clone, performing a double jump towards the replica who summoned the thorns. Four of the clones who attacked him earlier burst into petals from the vines. Eight clones remained. Lucrix struck downward with his hookswords, quickly pulling the blades back to lodge the blades into the summoner's shoulder. Lucrix flipped over the replica and threw the replica towards the pursuing clones. The replicas leaped over the barrelling clone. They struck out at Lucrix, forcing him into the defensive. He parried a couple pair of hook swords, dodging in a serpent-like manner, catching a graze or four. Lucrix kicked out in a one-two manner, disrupting the offensive party for a moment. He dashed left, feinted, then dashed right, hooking his own swords as he spun. The blades tore through two of them, forcing them to burst into petals. There were six left. [To be continued...]
Aww... Yay!
Accepted. I need a couple more people, and after I get them, I'll start the RP.
Lol Aww... and no they don't. They can withstand immense amounts of Frost damage!
Mav continued to walk around the town, staring at everything awestrucked. However, his reverie wss disrupted when he walked into a bunny. "Oof!" He uttered falling back. Mav looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry," he said quickly. "I'm new here. My name is Maverick, but my friends call me Mav. What's your name?" He asked.
Lol, I've done it a few times... but my tongue is perfectly fine. Really? Hrm... I need to say something bitter and sardonic.
*gets himself a cup and chugs it* Lol... I think if I don't get a wife, I'm gonna end up in solitary confinement.
Oops o.o *snuggles* :( ...I'm scared. I now know fear.
Pfft... fine. *glomps* Nope. I guess I'll have to wait another day or two.
Aww... poor you.
Lol, sounds lonely and boring.