Nope. What did you expect me to say?
I see. Ah well... Not really.
Lol... Alright... here's a question for you: why are you so curious? And answer honestly. My lie-o-meter is never wrong. Plus I'm cynical and...
Go ahead, ask.
Lol, crazy hair, huh?
Sorry... I ran out of questions. disappoint me. Cool. ...Spider-Man. Why? Because I'm Batman. Edit: because they were Earthy colors.
Hrm... I'm about three or four Hobbits high, and about a Hobbit and a half wide. What are your interests outside of KH Vids?
I can see that, lol
Sounds entertaining. H-uh... sounds annoying. Nope. No stuffed animal. What's your favorite color?
...funny, in Indiana you only see the reddest of rednecks at 2 am at Wal-Mart. Tough... not sure. I'm not vain enough to decide. But I admire...
I see... I don't have one. I hate stores. Especially Wal-Mart. Too many bloody people and too many idiot employees. What is your favorite past-time?
Hrm... why do you like the question game?
I don't like being human ;.; Nope. (Also, I suck at asking questions o.o)
Hrm... so long as it doesn't humanize me. Shoot.
Maverick listened and nodded. This information didn't sit well with him. He pushed it aside for the moment and focused on the task at hand. "Alright... so where's the blacksmith?" He asked. He was eager to start the adventure, to find more people like him.
Sweet :P Hrm... I'm bored. Entertain me!
I'm a renowned smartass. '>.>
Maverick nodded, not quite understanding the need for silence. "Yeah. I take it you are too? Are we not welcomed here or something?" He asked, taking a couple steps back.
I'm a monster, what can I say? :P I agree. The world should end that way.