Search Results

  1. Sessamaru
  2. Sessamaru
    I see. Ah well... Not really.
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for NikkiNoNo, Aug 7, 2012
  3. Sessamaru
  4. Sessamaru
    Profile Post

    Go ahead, ask.

    Go ahead, ask.
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for NikkiNoNo, Aug 7, 2012
  5. Sessamaru
    Profile Post

    Lol, crazy hair, huh?

    Lol, crazy hair, huh?
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for NikkiNoNo, Aug 7, 2012
  6. Sessamaru
  7. Sessamaru
  8. Sessamaru
  9. Sessamaru
    Profile Post

    I can see that, lol

    I can see that, lol
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for NikkiNoNo, Aug 6, 2012
  10. Sessamaru
  11. Sessamaru
  12. Sessamaru
  13. Sessamaru
  14. Sessamaru
  15. Sessamaru
  16. Sessamaru
    Maverick listened and nodded. This information didn't sit well with him. He pushed it aside for the moment and focused on the task at hand. "Alright... so where's the blacksmith?" He asked. He was eager to start the adventure, to find more people like him.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 6, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Sessamaru
  18. Sessamaru
    I'm a renowned smartass. '>.>
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for NikkiNoNo, Aug 6, 2012
  19. Sessamaru
    Maverick nodded, not quite understanding the need for silence. "Yeah. I take it you are too? Are we not welcomed here or something?" He asked, taking a couple steps back.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 6, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Sessamaru