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  1. Makaze
    I need a substitute player. Anyone want in?
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Makaze
    Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Makaze
    If it isn't KS
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Makaze

    Blaine (3) - tale, Calxiyn, al215
    G-dog (2) - Midnight Star, cstar
    tale (1) - Blaine

    With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer.

    There are approximately 1 days and 2 hours until phase end.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1467250896][/DOUBLEPOST]I have no problem with profanity, but losing your cool is not cool and anyone who finds themselves insulting others or becoming defensive needs to tone it down.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  5. Makaze
    I didn't see any posts from you, sorry about that.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  6. Makaze
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Makaze
    @Kingdom Hearts530

    I am officially prodding you. Please join the game.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  8. Makaze

    @cstar has subbed in for @61 due to unforeseen circumstances. Good luck.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  9. Makaze
    The automatic result is limited to Town players.[DOUBLEPOST=1467178260][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Kingdom Hearts530 (3) - Mish, al215, Midnight Star

    With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer.

    There are approximately 1 days and 22 hours until phase end.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  10. Makaze

    A setup detail was missed in the OP so it is being publicly corrected now.

    The Town Cop role description has been updated.

    x1 Town Cop - This is a Town-aligned role that can investigate one living player each Night to learn of their alignment. In this game, the Cop gets a pre-game result, known as a Night 0 result. The Cop knows the alignment of one random Town player at the start of the game.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Makaze
    The Hard Lynch threshold is 13/2 + 1 OR rounded up, meaning 6.5 rounded up to... 7 votes to hammer.

    Vote count will come tonight.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  12. Makaze
    I can't help but notice that Xigbar stuck around.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Makaze
    The game is taking place over here:
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Makaze
    Just a bit too late, sorry cstar. I'll keep you as a sub in case someone drops out, if you'd like.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Makaze
    Day 1 ends at 11:30 PM EST/EDT on June 30th.

    Post by: Makaze, Jun 27, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  16. Makaze
    Classic Mafia

    Town Victory

    This will be a 13-player game with an open setup. Days are 72 hours long while Nights are 24 hours long.


    Credit goes to Nova for the bulk of these rules.

    A basic game consists of two factions, Town and Mafia, each trying to wipe out the other. The Town outnumber the Mafia significantly (usually 3-1 or 4-1), but they don't know who's who; only the Mafia know who their teammates are. The game is over when one or the other side is wiped out. For the Town, this means eliminating every last Mafiosi; for the Mafia, it just means the Town is equal in number to them, at which point they automatically overrun the survivors.

    The game progresses in two phases: Day and Night. By Day, all the players from both sides bicker and argue and point fingers for a set time; the Town tries to find Mafia in its ranks, and the Mafia tries to misdirect them and stay hidden. At the end of the Day, the group votes to lynch someone they find suspicious; the player dies, their alignment is revealed, and the Night begins.

    Nighttime is the Mafia's chance to strike. The Town must stay quiet while their enemies convene in secret, talk strategy and discuss potential threats to the group. They vote on a Townie to kill, the Night phase ends, and as the sun rises the victim's fate/alignment is revealed and the madness begins again. (Certain roles of either faction may have abilities they can use during the Night phase, to benefit their side and/or hinder the other.)

    The Lynch
    You may vote for a player by saying ##Vote: [Player name]. (Those ##s are important! It helps me find your vote.) You may also retract your vote using ##Unvote (No player name needed for that one). Remember to bold these commands, or they won't count!

    As the lynch votes pile on, a lynchee will eventually reach a hard lynch. Hard lynch (1/2 the # of living players +1 rounded down) is the final nail in the coffin: The Day will end immediately, and the unlucky lynchee will be axed on the spot.

    You can vote and unvote all you like before someone hits hard lynch, but the second the deciding vote (also known as hammer) is cast, all votes are locked in.

    If a hard lynch is not reached, then the player with the most votes will be lynched at the scheduled end of phase.

    If a Day ends and two or more players are tied for votes, then the lynchee will be chosen randomly from the tied players. If no player has any votes, then the lynch will be made randomly from all of the living players. In other words, someone will die no matter what you do, so make sure you know who it is.

    Roles and Powers
    Every player is given the role of a character within the game. Some roles come with powers that will impact the game's progress. These powers can be passive, such as protecting you from an attempt on your life, or active, such as the ability to investigate a player's alignment each Night. Power roles affect you even if you don't have one, so make sure you know which ones are which and how they work before you sign up!

    Other Notes
    Conditions may change as the game goes on. For one, when the number required to soft lynch is equal to the number of remaining Mafiosi, the soft lynch is done away with. Also, the Town will be notified at Day start if lynching Town that Day will cause them to lose (Mislynch and Lose, or MyLo) or if they must lynch Mafia in order to avoid losing (Lynch or Lose, or LyLo). The difference between these is that No Lynch is a safe move at MyLo (not applicable in this game); at LyLo the Town must either lynch Mafiosi or admit defeat.

    And that's about all there is to it. I know it's a lot to take in, but it'll become much clearer when the game actually starts. In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions you have, either in-thread or via PM.

    And the rest of you should know by now that these are mandatory reads. (IT'S NOT A ToS DON'T JUST SKIM IT, THINGS CHANGE AND THOSE CHANGES IMPACT YOU)
    1. Keep it civil. Our primary goal here is to enjoy ourselves; if the game is stressing you out, I'd rather you ask to replace out than grin and bear it. By the same token, don't go out of your way to stress someone else.
    2. Don't throw the game. Mafia is most enjoyable when everyone plays their best. Frustrated or no, don't just give up and shoot yourself (or your team) in the foot.
    4. No name changes once the game starts. This was requested by a number of players; it just makes things easier on people trying to keep track of others' activity and post history. If you have a name change pending, either get it done before you sign up or hold it off until the end (Probably the first, since games can last half a month or more).
    5. When casting a vote, preface it with double pounds (##). This is new, and it's meant to help me with votals. Examples: ##Vote: Makaze, ##Unvote
    6. No post editing. Not even typo fixes. I know it's a pain in the ass, but it's important to keep players honest and make them own what they say, and this tends to work better than the honor system.
    7. Observe calls for silence. When somebody hits hard lynch, you shush. When it's nighttime, you shush. If I need to pause the game for any reason, I will tell you to shush; you better do it. (Side note: When you die, you get one closing post where you may not say anything about the game or reveal relevant information—So "Good luck Town" or "WHO THREW THAT" would be ok, but "I think this guy is my murderer" or "I'm the Cop and here are my results" would not—After that, it's time to move on and be dead.)
    8. Minimum 5 posts per game Day. And no, I won't count posts where you basically say nothing (by virtue of word count or actual content). This is not a game where you can just pop in and vote somebody on the weekend, it requires focus and attention. On that note...
    9. Pay attention to the thread and your Quicktopics. I'm not going to warn you if you're about to miss posting in a day or sending in a Night action. It's your job to stay on top of these things. Some people have had troubles with their thread notifications, so don't rely on those either! Put the thread on your toolbar if you have to!
    10. Do not copy-paste from confidential sources. This includes PMs and Quicktopics. Not only is this a terrible way to figure out who's what, it's also an unsavory form of metagaming that somewhat takes the fun and strategy out of the game. If you really must reveal info, put it in your own words.
    11. Do not role play. Mafia is much less a story than a game; the flavor is just that, a little extra something for taste. Not to say you can't play up a quirk I've given you (within reason), just make sure you're in your own mind when you make statements or cast votes.
    12. The mod's word is final. I reserve the right to change rules or roles as needed (though of course you will be notified) to preserve the enjoyment value of the game. Contest it if you want, but I can't pretend this isn't a dictatorship; in the end I will make the choice I feel is right, and that's that.
    Barring special cases your first offense will prompt a friendly warning, the second a somewhat sterner one, and on the third I will begin searching for your replacement. Please don't let it come to that.
    This game will feature the following roles:
    • x1 Town Cop - This is a Town-aligned role that can investigate one living player each Night to learn of their alignment. In this game, the Cop gets a pre-game result, known as a Night 0 result. The Cop knows the alignment of one random Town player at the start of the game.
    • x9 Vanilla Town - A Town-aligned player that has no special abilities.
    • x3 Mafia Goon - A Mafia-aligned player that has no special abilities.

    Player List
    1. @Calxiyn - Vanilla Town, Survivor
    2. @Midnight Star - Vanilla Town, Lynched D3
    3. @al215 - Vanilla Town, Killed N2
    4. @61 / @cstar - Mafia Goon, Lynched D4
    5. @Blaine / @Cat~ - Vanilla Town, Killed N4
    6. @Tale - Vanilla Town, Lynched D2
    7. @burnitup / @Judge Sunrose - Town Cop, Killed N3
    8. @Mish - Vanilla Town, Survivor
    9. @Kingdom Hearts530 / @Marushi - Vanilla Town, Survivor
    10. @Mixt - Mafia Goon, Modkilled N4
    11. @Ghost - Mafia Goon, Lynched D5
    12. @G-dog - Vanilla Town, Lynched D1
    13. @Krowley - Vanilla Town, Killed N1
    [DOUBLEPOST=1467084693][/DOUBLEPOST]Game is on.


    @Calxiyn - Vanilla Town, Survivor
    @Mish - Vanilla Town, Survivor
    @Marushi - Vanilla Town, Survivor

    Mafia Chat:
    Graveyard Chat:
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 27, 2016, 696 replies, in forum: The Playground
  17. Makaze
    Need one more player. Who will it be?
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Makaze
    Oh well.

    Any more takers?

    Today or in a few days?
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Makaze
    It can wait a few days too. I'll be off starting Thursday.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Makaze
    It will start after 10pm EST tonight, probably around 11 after I watch Game of Thrones. This thread will count as the sign up thread.
    Post by: Makaze, Jun 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone