IMPORTANT: @Marushi is subbing in for @Kingdom Hearts530 due to activity constraints. Good luck.
That's not a bug, that's a feature.
@Marushi and anyone else who wants access to the graveyard/spectator chat, send me a PM.
Loving someone romantically and lusting after them become synonymous; whichever comes first, the other will follow. I've started from feelings and grown to lust, and started from lust and grown to love. It is impossible for me to keep them completely separate. I've been with people who are not interested but I prefer someone with appetites similar to mine. It's important that we want to be intimate in the same ways, or intimacy will become an issue. I feel no obligation to have children, but feel an obligation to take care of children I come in contact with. I may adopt someday, if money allows.
It's geared heavily toward people who read Harry Potter and Narnia growing up.
Fantasy. Better if you know the genre first though. The Magicians is about a kid who gets drafted to a college... for Magic. Pretty dark, emotionally.
I tend to believe that "I" am my memories and inclinations, the things that make me different from everyone else. So that even if my body dies, "I" could live on if my memories were transferred to another body. Then came the dilemma of the teleport. If I step into a teleport, my body is de-atomized here and other atoms are constructed to recreate me on the other side. Am I the same person on the other side, or was I killed, and someone else came out the other? I would say that the person on the other side is me. No one would be able to tell the difference except in esoteric terms. But what if I were not deatomized in the original place? What if the teleporter glitched, and a copy of me came out the other side while I never stopped existing where I started? Are they both me? I would say no, because each of us is experiencing different things while completely convinced that they are me. From that moment onward, they have different memories, so they must be different people by my definition. If that is the case, then what counts as an interruption; does every change in memory create a completely different "me"? When I wake up in the morning, how do I know I'm not a clone, and the old me was killed after falling asleep? How do I know my memories happened to me, to these atoms? What if I am the one who came out the other side of the teleporter? In that sense, "I" must be not a stream of consciousness, not a set of atoms, but the entity that experiences the stream in the moment. Makaze-from-five-minutes-ago and Makaze-right-now are two distinct people. If Makaze-from-five-minutes-ago somehow got transported to the present, we would behave in subtly different ways and have subtly different memories. This leads to the unintuitive conclusion that I am just the feeling that I exist in this moment. I am not my body. I am not my mind. I am not my memories. I am right now, because I feel I am. I may not have always been. Death is pretty meaningless when I think of it like that, because the fact that there will not be a Makaze-five-minutes-from-now doesn't matter when all I am is Makaze-right-now at every second of every day.
No votes have been cast. With 11 players alive, it takes 6 votes to hammer. Day 2 ends in approximately 2 days and 12 hours.
If four or more players request an extension, then I will extend the Day by 24 hours, but let's see how well you do first. Day 2 ends in approximately 2 days and 20 hours.
Day 2 has begun. NIGHT 1 RESULTS: Krowley has been killed. He was Vanilla Town. You may post. Day 2 ends at 11 PM EST/EDT on July 4. There are approximately 72 hours until phase end.
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Never forget.
Amazing. What about the Most Positive Ratings tab? Or will there be another tab, so people don't get confused?
The Most Positive Ratings tab of the Notable Members section is completely messed up, to the point it contains mostly users with zero ratings, and one of them is a banned spam bot. I thought maybe it was only showing people who have been rated since the system was implemented, but I've been liked in the past five minutes and am still not up there. Not sure what's causing it.
PLEASE don't! Seeing likes was a flaw, not a feature, of the previous system. No one can escape cognitive bias, no matter how perfect they think they are. The kinds of people who would activate this preference are exactly the kind of people you want to hide them from: the kind of people who want to compare themselves to others.[DOUBLEPOST=1467389808][/DOUBLEPOST]Aaaah, I just realized a big question. Does the rating we see in miniprofiles take the negatives into account? Is it Positive - Negative = Ratings? I'm getting from the info here that it is not... But shouldn't it be the case? Otherwise, what is the difference between this and just adding a "Likes:" field below "Posts:"?
I would actually insist that it was not allowed to see them at all for normal users, because the effect happens regardless of the will of the person. Even someone like me might avoid liking posts that have a lot of likes out of some kind of reverse psychology, but that's no better. Likes should be based on post content in every single case, if we can help it. That will work until it's figured out. Definitely want the streamlined thing though! Bonus points for getting rid of the actual number somehow. Call it nostalgia, but the gems we had before were great.
Awesome! A few questions: Is there any way you can hide the post ratings bar at the bottom of every post from users other than the person who made the post? My reasoning is the Matthew effect, an involuntary psychological effect where when two users post the same message, the one that already has more likes will seem more attractive than the other. When we had the rep system, one of the most valuable highlights of the system was that actual rep, and the posts that were repped, were between the repped user and the user who gave the reputation. Adding this feature would also drastically increase the personal effect felt by a user when they receive a like; they do not need to feel in competition for likes they see on others. Is there a more streamlined presentation for the postbit? Adding a seperate section with icons and all seems a bit ostentatious. One of the primary reasons the users who pushed for a system better than Likes, was that the system would limit the number of ratings/likes/rep you could give in a day and/or how much you could give to the individual. These restraints made the ratings more meaningful and kept them from being taken for granted, inflating like a bad currency, or abused by a group of friends liking each other endlessly. Are those kinds of limits in place here?
I don't recall how much they took, but they are worth it. You can't play mafia without them.
DAY 1 FINAL VOTE COUNT (6): G-dog (7) - Midnight Star, cstar, Calxiyn, al215, Mish, Krowley, Kingdom Hearts530 Krowley (2) - Cat~, tale Not voting (4) - Judge Sunrose, Ghost, Mixt, G-dog With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer. HAMMER. DAY 1 HAS ENDED. VOTES ARE LOCKED. DO NOT POST.[DOUBLEPOST=1467328274][/DOUBLEPOST]G-dog has been lynched. He was Vanilla Town. Night 1 has begun. Night 1 ends at 11 PM EST/EDT on July 1. There are approximately 1 days and 4 hours until phase end. DO NOT post in the thread. Send your night actions via Private Message or quicktopics.[DOUBLEPOST=1467390986][/DOUBLEPOST]End of Night may be moved by an hour or so due to festivities. Stay tuned.