Search Results

  1. Makaze
    Already interested:
    1. Saxima
    2. Midnight Star
    3. Ars Nova
    4. cstar
    5. Marushi
    6. Calxiyn
    7. al215
    8. Judge Sunrose
    9. Jiku Neon (?)
    10. Mish
    11. Splodge
    12. Karuta
    13. Korosu

    This one is a little different, but I think you'll love it. Pun intended.

    In Lovers Mafia, every player has at least one Lover.

    A Lover is a player who is linked to you and whom you can have private, out-of-thread discussions with, but whose alignment you do not know. They could be Mafia or they could be Town. What you do know is that if you or your Lover is lynched, then both of you will die, Romeo & Juliet style.

    Only people directly Lovered to the lynch target will die with them.

    Each player will have at least one person they are in love with and most will have someone who is in love with them, depending on numbers. That means three people die on your average lynch, but as number dwindle we will see independents whose lovers have died indirectly.

    There are a few different scenarios based on these mechanics. Take players A, B, and C.

    A loves B and C loves A, but B does not love C.

    A <3 B
    C <3 A
    C </3 B

    If A is lynched: All three die.
    If B is lynched: A and B will die.
    If C is lynched: A and C will die.

    Back to the basics.

    Mafia games consist of two opposing factions: One good team (the Town) and one evil team (the Mafia). The objective of the Town is to eliminate all the members of the Mafia, thereby securing the safety of the town, whereas the objective of Mafia is achieving equal numbers with the Town, at which point they can't lose a lynch vote.

    All members of the Town are informed only of their own identity; they have no idea what roles other players in the game may have. The Mafia, on the other hand, has the advantage that they all know each other’s identities. However, the town starts the game with more members than the mafia. For example, in a 9-player game, you might expect there to be 2 mafia and 7 townies. The game is often referred to as a battle between the uninformed majority (the Town) and the informed minority (the Mafia).

    The game comes down to whether the Town can sniff out the members of the Mafia before it is too late!

    I am going to run it as either a 13-player game with 5 mafia and 8 town, or a 16-player game with 6 mafia and 10 town.

    Who's game?
    Thread by: Makaze, Jul 22, 2016, 55 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Makaze
    I, too, am curious.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Makaze
    Welcome back! It's great and romantic that the staff now own their own site. I hope that this marks the start of a whole new era of new content and friendship from everyone. We deserve it.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Makaze
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Makaze


    Thread by: Makaze, Jul 21, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Makaze
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Makaze
    I tried to do some (probably highly flawed) math on this that accounts for gravity. Position function.

    s(t) = –4.9t^2 + v0t + h0

    Where t represents time, v0 represents the initial velocity, and h0 represents the initial height.

    238,900 miles = 384472282 meters

    s(3) = 384472282 = -4.9(3)^2 + v0(3) + 0

    Solve for v0, and we get:

    128157427.33... = -4.9(3) + v0
    v0 = 128157442.0333... m/s

    Full position function:

    s(t) = -4.9(t)^2 + 128157442.0333...(t) + 0

    Take the derivative to get the velocity function:

    v(t) = -9.8(t) + 128157442.0333...

    Get initial velocity:

    v(0) = 128157442.0333... m/s

    Using initial velocity as acceleration, he was launched with a force of:

    F = 70 * 128157442.0333 = 8971020942.331 Newtons, or a 2,016,765,743.4153 pound-force. That's a 900,341.850 ton-force.[DOUBLEPOST=1469130310][/DOUBLEPOST]i am going to assume I made lots of logic errors[DOUBLEPOST=1469130739][/DOUBLEPOST]using your initial reasoning with the time based method:

    acceleration = final velocity - initial velocity / final time - initial time

    a = 128157412.63333333 / 3 = 42719137.544... m/s^2

    Plus 9.8 m/s^2 to account for gravity, and you get 42719138.344... m/s^2

    F = 70 * 42719138.344... = 2990339684.08 Newtons, or 672,255,106.194 pound-force and 300,113.887 ton-force.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Makaze
    You're using velocity, not acceleration? Pretty sure acceleration can't be found based on the info provided.[DOUBLEPOST=1469127747][/DOUBLEPOST]I could be wrong there. But aside from that, you're not accounting for wind resistance, fighting gravity, or breaking through the atmosphere.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Makaze
    Oh. Lame.

    I thought she predicted that video being posted.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Makaze
    i must know what led to this
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Makaze
    All this horrible dark green text is making me want to derep again...
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Makaze
    Status Update by Makaze, Jul 20, 2016
  13. Makaze
    oh well
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Makaze
    My first post on this site:

    Post by: Makaze, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Makaze
    In retrospect, this thread title was a bad idea.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Makaze
    It's working again. Might have been a temporary failure. Thanks!
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: Bug Reports
  17. Makaze
    The embedded fonts on the site (Title bar text, usergroup bar font, etc) are failing to load, so all of those are now defaulting to either system sans-serif (Arial) or serif (Times New Roman).


    Thread by: Makaze, Jul 18, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: Bug Reports
  18. Makaze
    libregkd tried to turn off or even lower the post merge threshold in specific sections and found that no section-specific changes worked.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Makaze
    "He finally learned my name!"
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 16, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Makaze

    Be forewarned, I am harsh and unforgiving. I have trouble giving comforting feedback, but do not mistake that for disdain. I want you all to keep playing, so please don't be scared off by my criticism. If I care about a particular issue, that means I want you to improve on it.

    This couldn't have happened with you guys, so thank you for playing, and hope to see you again next time!


    The Town in this game finally got a win! For a game full of new players, this was a slam dunk. They also nearly lost multiple times. They had an amazing cop who made some bad choices, and ultimately their victory hinged on mafia making a mistake instead of Town reasoning. That said, you came through in the end, and that's what counts, so congratulations.

    How the Town can improve (everyone should read these):

    More than half of the town outed themselves as "not the cop" by speculating or asking questions in public about the cop role. This is a terrible idea. If Mafia were smart about it, they could have narrowed it down to Judge or Mish within the first two Days with all of the information flying around. It's a miracle the cop survived. Some examples:
    The Mafia could have already known that Calxiyn, Cat~, Marushi and Midnight Star are clearly not the cop. Count the lynch, and you have 5/10 potential cops eliminated in the first Day. That would be a travesty against a more experienced Mafia.

    Provide cover for the cop.
    Next time, try to become the person the Mafia kill so that the cop can live as long as possible. If that means pretending to be the cop by being "too sure" of someone's reads, that's fine. The Town win is more important than any Vanilla's survival. Calxiyn did a great job by strongly clearing al215, and might have been night killed if it weren't for all of Town calling her out for it. This was something a player did right, so take notice and never, ever, try to stop another player from drawing the cop hunt onto themselves. One of those times you might actually make the mafia notice and kill the real cop ahead of their time.

    Force inactives into the light and don't stop until you have a read.
    Every player you suspected up to Judge's reveal was someone who was already in public crosshairs and had already posted a lot of content. You were not going to bring up any new information by pushing for people who are already on the radar. Secondly, there are more types of inactives than non-posters. A player should only be considered an active player when they are hunting mafia and have clear reads on the table. When you press someone, don't stop at getting them to post, because anyone can do that, including mafia, and it doesn't help you for them to just post. It helps you when you can have a strong opinion of what they are. Press them until you know where you stand on whether they are Mafia or not. You need to get enough information to have a read on every player before you cast your vote, with special exceptions for players you think are confirmed to be mafia. If they become inactive again, press them again, or consider that they are only acting in self-interest instead of to a Town win condition.

    Never say, or believe, that you have no reads.
    If you have no strong feelings about someone, then force them to post more. Do not let your null reads stay null. If someone posts content and you still have trouble finding logical or intuitive reasons to suspect or clear them, then go with your strongest feeling no matter how weak until proven otherwise. Even if you are wrong, other players will react to it, and fellow Town can figure out what you're thinking and how you fit into the narrative. If you are afraid to put yourself out there then you will become an obstacle to your teammates who will think you are mafia for leaving yourself too open to interpretation.

    Vote for scummy players, not just misunderstood ones.
    Do not waste time on the G-dogs, because lynching players you can't understand is not your win condition.

    Avoid WIFOM arguments.
    WIFOM stands for "Wine in Front of Me". It comes from The Princess Bride scene where the Man in Black challenges the Cecilian to a battle of wits. Watch it here.

    It refers to a scenario where someone is trying to predict what the other will do, but the guess depends on whether they know that you know that they know that you know... Ad infinitum. "Would the Mafia kill Krowley to get rid of someone on cstar's back, or is that just what they want me to think?" If you can't tell, then don't even consider this line of inquiry. It will only confuse you and everyone around you when they read your post. Whether this kill was one or the other will come to light when a pattern forms with other actions in the game. Wait until it makes sense in a larger context instead of making a value judgment right away. Town wasted tons of time talking about whether they agreed with an assessment of why mafia killed Krowley or not, and no information of consequence was added for those posts. Addressing it immediately will hurt Town more than leaving it alone.

    On to the individiual reports.

    Town MVP
    Judge Sunrose
    Town Cop

    No plan survives contact with the enemy.

    Judge almost single handedly decided this game by successfully investigating three people who did not die before his reveal. Then he pulled off a master stroke and posted a fake reveal that he read someone as Mafia. Nova and I were chearing when he even called out cstar's vote as a bus vote. Judge would have been well on his way to curbstomping if he hadn't wanted Mixt to be Town so hard that he cleared both of his amazingly correct suspects. It's a miracle Town recovered. He wins the MVP award for the information he provided, no matter how wrong his conclusions may be.

    How you can improve:

    Form character judgments, not wish lists.
    You ended up clearing Mixt despite his scummy behavior, and that single mistake almost cost you the game. I believe this happened to a larger problem with your mindset. You do not use your instincts. You caught mafia and they froze up on you, and you didn't see it because you somehow convinced yourself that the probability of them being mafia due to pure numbers overshadowed their actual behavior, as if you couldn't form an opinion based on what they did. Next time, form opinions on individuals based on their actions, not on your actions. If you roll the cop again, do not let the fact that you have confirmed information make you completely disregard your own instincts. If you formed reads outside of your night results and probability tables you'd have had this game dead to rights.

    Vanilla Town

    What can I say? You did a good job in this game, you put in the effort, scared mafia into killing you, and brought some good information to light. You just happened to be wrong and focused on mechanics too much (that last one goes for everyone).

    How you can improve:

    Do not let your feelings get in the way of logical reads.
    You let your feelings about certain players influence your reads. Whenever you feel angry, imagine you are not in the game and come at it from a "Why did they do that?" perspective.

    Vanilla Town

    You became a major suspect in the early game for unnecessary posturing and style choices, such as painstakingly styling your text with multiple colors. One of the things you did right was putting a strong town read out in the game and drawing the cop hunt to you. Unfortunately, that backfired hard due to other factors. Putting so much effort into presentation takes away from the content and portrays you as caring more about the stage than finding mafia. You managed to turn that around when you came around in the end and presented solid reasoning, ultimately winning the game despite Marushi's attempts to control the lynch.

    How you can improve:

    Cut down on preparation, get to the delivery.
    The less time you spend trying to look like you know what you're doing, the more time you can spend making logical arguments like you did in the end of this game. You became a suspect because you distanced yourself with prepared statements instead of conversations. Mafia is a team game and you need to keep that in mind on the early days too.

    Vanilla Town

    You managed to take a highly controversial slot and turn it into a good town slot. You did a good job with what you were given and helped the town win. Congratulations.

    How you can improve:

    Do not give away your role.
    One of the recurring errors town made this game was giving the cop advice. I am surprised the Mafia didn't catch on to it. You might not get a chance to get away with that mistake, so avoid it at all costs next time.

    . : tale : .
    Vanilla Town

    I have to be honest, I thought you were Mafia for the longest time and told Nova that when he started helping. It was only after I double checked my listings that I realized it was Mixt instead of you. I got that impression because you put on a show while being wrong about Mafia. Apparently others got it too.

    How you could improve:

    Shift your focus to content.
    You can find Mafia if you devote the time you put into putting on a show into gathering or revealing new information. Even plain words leave a big impact with evidence to back them up. You had a habit of making posts for show like Calxiyn. You would have had time to have longer conversations if you spent less time on showmanship.

    Don't settle for the easy lynch.
    You pushed the G-dog lynch without thinking they were scum and all of your other votes sheeped (or echoed) other people. You only went after obvious targets. There are times when you want to consolidate on a lynch, but those should only happen when you have to, to avoid a tie. You never brought up something out of the mainstream. Even if you thought they were scum, this was a bad move because it allowed the other Mafia to coast by effortlessly without producing new information. Next time try to lynch your hardest scum reads first, not the easiest ones.

    Vanilla Town

    You got lynched Day 1 because no one could communicate with you and you struggled to convince others of your reads.

    How you can improve:

    Write coherent messages and remain calm when others do not understand.
    You speak just fine on the Discord chat, so you should be able to speak with the same fluidity if not better on here. You have the time to think about and revise your posts before submitting them unlike on a real-time chat client, so take that time to make sure you are doing more than confusing your fellow teammates. It would be easy for a Mafia player to coast by while pretending not to understand anything, so it is important that you do your best to keep up, and make others believe you are doing your best by showing it.

    Vanilla Town

    You were not active enough to be useful, but what you did offer scared Mafia, so that's something.

    How you can improve:

    Spend less time on each post to push out maximize information and avoid subbing out.
    You got into this game and felt that you would struggle to meet the post requirement, but five posts is not that difficult if you just post your thoughts and do not worry about the quality as you seem to. Next time, make sure that you find a way to balance your time between organization and actual posting so that you don't spend all of your time on the former and none of it on the latter.

    Vanilla Town


    You came, you saw, you almost lost. Your desire to be in control and be right was so strong that you ended up tunneling all of the Cop's town reads. Your first act coming into the game was to to clear yourself as not-the-cop, which hurt Judge's chances. After Judge called out cstar's bus, you were still so quick to judge cstar as Town that you almost lost the game along with Judge's Mixt clear. You tried too hard and missed the forest for the trees. It is no exaggeration to say you became the best player on the Mafia's Team. Consider this game a lesson in taking a step back and letting others take the reins.

    How you can improve:

    Let other people make their own decisions.
    I know it can be tempting to play like me, but you ended up shooting yourself in the foot every time you said "we need to this" or "the cop should do that". You talked endlessly about the Cop and whether they would do that as the cop, or as Mafia. You said what the Cop should do, or shouldn't do. You definitely cleared yourself for the mafia as "not the cop" and made it difficult for the cop to make their own decisions without looking like the mafia. Next time, let other players do their own things, especially when they might have better insight into the game because of their cop role.

    Almost all of your cases and reasoning relied on suppositions of what Mafia would do or wouldn't do in any given situation, and not on what actually happened. You cleared cstar because she voted for Mixt and you didn't see why she would do that as Mafia. It is okay to use WIFOM to suspect someone, but not on itself. No one WIFOM incident can determine an alignment. Every mafia is bound to have one such act that might clear them, because they want you to clear them. There are no such things as acts Mafia will not do. Judge what you think actually happened, no matter what could have happened.

    Base your cases around who is Mafia, not who is town.
    Anyone can act like town because they either are Town or want to look like Town, but only Mafia have a predisposition to act like Mafia. The only exception to this rule is when the person is cleared by a Cop or other mechanical role. There are no such things as acts Mafia will not do. It is pointless, and more often than not, you will clear a Mafia who is trying to look like town. Some players have incredible instinct and will clear someone as town based on how they feel about them, not what they do. That is more valid than what you did here. If you do not have this ability or it is often wrong, then you should never try to play based on town tells, because it will cost you the game. Judge did the same thing a few games ago where Vivi asked how many mafia they were (as mafia), and Judge took it as something only Town would say and defended him, to Town's demise. If cstar hadn't slipped up here, you'd have fallen for it.

    Stop thinking in on/off.
    On the other hand, don't automatically think that every vote is a bus from now on. I can see you taking extreme positions, flipping, then taking the other extreme position. You think you know what Town and Mafia tells are. You see one, you jump on it, and you stick to it. They turn out to be wrong. Every game you gain new extreme positions, but they are like buttons. Someone presses one, you jump to a conclusion, and have a lot of trouble moving from it. Getting new buttons doesn't change the problem in your way of thinking. You have trouble thinking in a spectrum. There are no extreme positions. There are no easy tricks, no win the game quick schemes. Let that be a sobering fact.

    To fix that, consider your feelings about things they do. Trust those feelings, because they are a spectrum and they will get more accurate with time, unlike on/off switches.

    Midnight Star
    Vanilla Town

    There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

    You got too afraid of making guesses without reasons to back them up and as a result you passed up your correct instincts about who the mafia are. You ended up being suspicious and just accepting it because of your stubborn insistence on saying nothing without evidence.

    How you can improve:

    State your reads, including based on instincts, until they are overturned by overwhelming evidence.
    Sitting back and applauding people for their analysis doesn't catch mafia. Staying detached and not taking sides doesn't catch mafia. Calling people out on base feelings and seeing how they react, and giving Town a track record to judge you by, does. Next time you find yourself without any purely logical reasons to suspect someone, go with your instincts anyway. You don't need to survive or even be right to help town, but you do need to leave a legacy for them to gather from after you die.

    Vanilla Town

    Laziness if the mother of all bad habits.

    You stayed suspicious and were unable to convince anyone of your cases until late in the game. You did not have the drive to cite posts as evidence or do any real case building other than defending yourself from lynchings. When you got that drive, you did a great job of pinning down the reasons you were right, and ultimately helped town win the game. Good job.

    How you can improve:

    Do the same thing, but not just when under pressure.
    If you worked as hard all the time as you did in LYLO in this game, you would be a formidable player, even with me as the Mafia.


    The Mafia in this game did a great job of flying under the radar, and their busses almost won them the game. But their failure to find the Cop and a few rookie missteps ultimately led to the downfall of their team. Not for lack of trying, though. Good effort for everyone on the Mafia team.

    How the Mafia can improve (everyone should read these):

    You bussed, you successfully cased town, you convinced a lot of people there were better suspects. The only reason you lost this game was your failure to find the Cop and kill them before they revealed. You had ample evidence of who was not the Cop, more than most Mafia teams get in a game. Next time, work by process of elimination to find who the Cop is and always kill your top Cop suspect instead of whoever else is getting under your skin. They are nothing compared to a Cop reveal.

    On to the individual reports.

    Mafia MVP
    Mafia Goon

    Against all odds, you survived the unsurvivable situation of having a cop on your case with a confirmed scum read. You did an amazing job of playing dumb and gave away no information despite proddings. Despite how utterly scum motived that was, you managed to change Judge's mind and get cleared for a short while after Judge admitted he never read you. Had you not had an unfortunate run in with an emergency, you might have been able to turn this into Mafia's game. You undoubtedly deserve the MVP for your performance under fire.

    How you can improve:

    Follow through on your busses (if you want to try them).
    Ghost was caught as mafia because you made a point of saying that your Ghost vote was a pressure vote and he was never in any real danger. The worst part is, Ghost didn't give you any new information, so your prodding didn't result in any new info but you backed off anyway. You practically admitted you would never have supported a Ghost lynch, which makes your "pressure" pointless, and it ultimately looked like the opposite of actual distance.

    When it comes to reading your scum buddies, there are two strategies that work time and time again. You either town read your scum friends or you scum read them. Both of them are extreme. In either case, you take your reads seriously and put your vote where your mouth is, either lynching them or saving them as the mood dictates. You never null read them or press and back off of them. Those waffly methods are too obvious, and more importantly, something a town player has no reason to do, because they don't know they are on the same team as someone they are putting pressure on. Next time, make the audience believe you want to lynch him, or it will only shine a light on how you don't.

    Mafia Goon

    You get the best performance for intentionally staying under the radar. You did an amazing job, especially with the bus on Mixt. You would have gotten away with it if it weren't for your slip. You were a contender for the MVP before Judge did his reveal, but given your reaction to the slip I think you would have conceded if he accused you.

    How you can improve:

    Do not try to manipulate your scum reads.
    You appealed to Mish's Town motivations to get her to empathize with your situation. That is a good tool to convince someone of your side. There is just one problem: You cannot appeal to someone's Town impulses if they are Mafia.

    Pay attention to your surroundings.
    Cat~, Marushi, and Calxiyn are confirmed Town. There must be three Mafia among you, Mish, Ghost and Mixt. If you find the town, then you know the other three are Mafia by process of elimination. If you are Town, then there is no room for first, second and third suspects. The know the other three people are equally Mafia.

    I think you got too obsessed with the idea that you still needed to convince Mish, so you completely missed this vital piece of information. If you realized this then you wouldn't have built a priority list, wouldn't have talked to Mish, and wouldn't have made the slip.

    Mafia Goon

    You didn't take many risks, but it worked out until you got caught due to things your teammates did. You did a decent job for a Mafia player, staying under the radar without dropping off the map and appearing slightly helpful along the way.

    How you can improve:

    Do more.
    While you did a good job of staying in the background, you took a back seat and let your other two Mafia take control, and you payed the cost for it. Next time, try to be more involved in decision making. Make cases of your own so that you end up as more than a footnote on their moves. For example: You could have made yourself look like Town if you had called out Mixt for his wimpy pressure vote, and it would have increased the distance between you way more than what he did. Try to think about things you can do that can improve your team's chances.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 16, 2016 in forum: The Playground