Congrats on premmy! :D
It's the truth and nothin' but it, babe.:D
XD David, you're awesome.
Hey, coming by to see if you were on. <3
David! Don't use my real name. Call me Roxas24Sora, okay?
Um...I think.:D
Well you win points for being cute.:D
Just give up.
Namine watched him leave. She'd never seen Riku like this.
Same thing.
Same as the last three posts.
Namine smiled. "I know, it's just you kiss my head all the time. I like it." Namine giggled as she swiped a hair out of her face.
Namine giggled. "You sure do love my head."
Namine smiled. "No problem." She kissed his lips. "You're the best."
What does kawaiii mean? I'm talkin' to her. You?
"Okay..." Namine dropped the matter and hugged him again.
"Will you please tell me?" Namine said, squezzing his arm gently.
Namine looked at him. "What's wrong, baby?"