*smiles widely*
*smiles* You're thinking that far ahead? Anyway, yeah I am talking to her right now.
Not much, you?
Hey, mom.......
*gasps* Guess what? *kisses cheek* I still love you!
Hey, if it's anybody's fault, it's mine. Stop beating yourself up, nobodynerd.
*kisses* I sent it.
*hugs* Hey, can we PM? It's way easier to do on a PSP than this.
8D *kisses cheek* *runs away*
Well, I'm your actual bro now.
Sweet. Sooooo, what's up?
Not much, dude, you?
So.....you're my aunt?
Sure! Why not?
*yawns* The forum is boring without you here.... :sleep:
Later, dad...
Im on my PSP, so I can only PM at a slow rate...
*smiles* Well, Yosha's my sis and DBM 907 is my mom......so.....yeah.
Congrats...... .......Dad.
*sighs* Guys....the Blog.....I hate to say this.....is pretty much dead. :(