Hey. My avatar matchs yours. Like father, like son, right? Later.
Me too, sis, me too.
You serious?! Sweet!
Dude! Dad! You got RE:COM?!?!?!?
OOC: Can I get a recap, please?
*picks up a Wii remote* I hope we're playing Smash Bros.!
- Kingdom Hearts RE:COM - electric guitar - Guitar Hero: World Tour - some band merchandise - Skillet's CD "Comatose" - August Burns Red's CD "Messengers" - my two front teeth (hehe....jk) - Bullet For My Valentine's CD "Scream, Aim, Fire" - new skateboard - iPod Nano
Roxas looked around."I have no clue..."
Roxas walked up, rubbing the back of his head. He smiled slightly."Hey guys..."
*dodges* You missed! Kamehameha! *fires energy wave*
What about mom?
*dodges* Whoa!
Okay... *throws a cookie*
*looks confused* Why?
Oh, really? Like how?
*smiles* Cool.
Okay, just making sure you're okay.
Um....why do you think they call it "ice" cream, mother?
Thank you!!!!
Geez, sorry sis!