Hey, are you okay? I saw Dad punch you... *runs up* *wipes blood off mouth*
I'm the oldest...I have to protect both of you... *smiles* You know, I'm not gonna stop.
*okay* Listen...you're my sister. I'll take that risk just for you....
*well, empty it* Well.... *holds hand* I want to protect you, anyway. Oh, and call me Xellon. I'm not Roxas.
I g2g dude. Later!
..... *teleports behind* *stabs heart* I'm sorry, Dad...
*laughs* Dad! We have him, though!
*a single demonic wing takes form on his back* *rushs towards at lightspeed* *kicks book away* *slices a million times in just 5 seconds*
*laughs* I haven't even tapped into my true power... *lightning starts to surround him* *thunder rumbles* *tremors shake the ground*
You killing my dad adds on to my anger, which adds to my power... *crosses arms* I'm now Xellon, Protector of Earth! *smiles* You're...
What the f*ck did you do to her?!?!?!?! *is consumed by energy* AAAAHHHH!!!!!! *earth cracks around feet* *turns to Super Saiyan 2*...
*gasps* Mom? You have... *gets angry* *clenchs fists* What did you do to her? *power level increases slowly*
*pants* You're not difficult at all. With one lousy Kamehameha I burned you... *goes Super Saiyan* *grins* You asked for it.
*laughs a little* Die...from battles with you? You're not difficult at all! *slices nonstop with keyblade*
*clashs keyblade against sword* What deal?!
Ah! *staggers slightly* *attacks again* Kamehame...HA!!!! *shoots energy beam*
*stops in surprise* Wh...what?! *spins around to attack* Leave us the heck alone! *attacks at light speed*
Die! *attacks with keyblade* Leave my family alone!
No I don't hate you, silly little confused sis.
Mine would be either: Be My Escape-Relient K Composure-August Burns Red Nothing Left-As I Lay Dying Unknown Soldier-Breaking Benjamin