but wait i thought u were a dude??? *checks profile* yes its rite
Yea i know there is nothing to do today.Not that much stuff going on
omg thats so sad
well like girls they say that as "girl" friends.
OOC: Sry my mom is making me go to sleep early T-T bye
Jenaxen grabbed her luggage up to the elevator and presses the button.The ding startled her as she walked into the box.
Played By: Devil's Angel Name:Jenaxen Age:16 Gender:Female Powers: summons demons and has three types of swords. Bio:Loves the rain and nature.She hates when people call her short Appearnce: http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee157/Kisara_02/Anime Girls/__Living_Dead_Rose___by_raila.jpg other: she is shy and quiet at sometimes.She loves the color white
Itsy bitsy spider- my sister
I wasted a minute of my life -_-'
Shinjiru went back to the office to ask who was the two girls that just arrived.Instead of finding the headmaster she found a boy banging on the wall."Hey what are you doing?"
http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/SNV33229.jpg Me`at my uncle's house on X-mas and.....yes i that is naruto action figures ^^ http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/SNV33275.jpg here with my aunt and sis.(aunt is the one covering herself XD)Im on the right i think i was talkiing or gonna sneeze either one
Shinjiru walked to a tree and sat down.She listened to Pressure by paramore and started to sketch.
Shinjiru walked out and got bored. "That was stupid!" she screamed from frustration."I didn't get anything!"
OOC: GTG sry bye
OOC: XD ok Shinjiru continued to his herself
Shinjiru followed Takashi."I wonder what he's doing?" she whispered to herself.
Pressure- Paramore
OOC: Im back! gosh wats happenin?
OOC: Okay everyone is getting ready so I still have time! Shinjiru noticed a boy leaning closely to the wall and sneeked up to him. She giggled quietly. Oh this will be great she thought. She pounced on him knocking him on the floor. She stood up."what are you doing?" she asked
OOC: GEEZ! im going to the stupid mall. NOOOOO T-T okay then bye gtg get ready