But its a bit too wavy like at the back part you can't tell if the back is arched
Okay I was discussing this with my friend (DestinyStar) and my sister. I was thinking if you died right now what would be your funeral song? Mine would be Your Gaurdian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
The clothes are too wavy and yea like she sid the arm is a bit off. Other than that it looks amazing mostly the coloring
^^ THE LOVE IS SPREADING Like butter *its peanut butter Jelly time* sry I had to do it.
enneaJ ......wow thats complicated :sweatdrop:
Welcome to Kh-vids Post a lot No spamming only in the Spam Zone Read the Rules Follow them And at last Have fun I think your going to get a cookie soon from other members :D
:luv: them ^^ Something...I'm you Lawyer <----don't know the exact name Sugar we're going down Thanks for the memories
*raises hand* and *mumbles* stupid...yapp....mmm..ggaaa....freakin hate...this -_-"
Okay *shoots heart* amazing ^^
lol haha *gets trap* Sry DS but they are right and you know me XP *sets trap*
Ummm.....*hides with DS* HELP ME! XD
The LOVE ain't spreadin' DS XP
I <3 you too Yuchiru ^^ at first I thought you missed me but you used our diffrent names. My other name is Shinjiru XD
The :luv: has ended T-T thanks
I <3 everyone I ever talked to ^^ and also well i <3 narutobug<---who never goes on XP
Bored.....today isn't an interesting day -_-"
Ooo000ooo forgot some XD I <3 you KairiXRiku I<3 you tirin22 <-----AS A FRIEND I<3 you micketymike <---same as tirin22
I <3 you Destiny Star I :luv: cupcake I <3 you Japanimefanatic I <3 you Amythest I :luv: you Cloud's buddy I luv you everyone else sry if yur my friend and I didn't list you
I agree with tootsie the hair needs to look more realistic. You should shade in it a little bit darker and put like shades throughout the body area.Other than that it looks cool. One more thing wats the thing on the left in his hand? :sweatdrop:
Thank you again. Yes i try to touch reader's feeling like that.Like when people r sad i wish to help them express it and let their feelings flow and emotion. ^^