*hug for nerves*
141.dress up as a cop and arrest the manager on drug charges,then tell him he's on punk'd,when he really isn't
juicer,remember that.i'm watching you. 4
*sneaks around the house to jaws music* *glomps val*
139.throw stink bombs eveywhere in the store.
*goes back to lab* *is playing halo3* *is playing halo3* *is playing halo3*
*takes dvd player* *takes out naruto and puts in another dvd* *gives back dvd* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAp9BKosZXs :sly::sparta: BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH
*kicks you into pit of death*
*comes out of lab and beats you with a baseball bat* *beats you with poke stick* *beats you with grav hammer* *beats you with controller*
*goes to lab* *zooms around house* *is playing halo3* *is playing madden 08*
BAN HAMMER *ban's you from my room with BAN HAMMER*
*hugs little shadow*
*destroyes everything in emmas and hippies rooms wwith grav hammer* BAWHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
*comes in with grav hammer along with zoom,mznning and RvB,also with grav hammers*
zoom,attack hippie with grav hammmer zoom zoom *chases hippie with grav hammer* manning,get haseo blue 42,down set hut *throws water balloons at haseo* RvB,get emma *pulls out bubble shield and throws it to protect self* the only way for to get me wet grunt is to come in here. *pulls out assualt rifle water gun*
*jumps through wave and then jumps over angel and grabs her wings*
16 for the little people
*sees hippie walk in and pulls out a water balloon* *sees hippie walk in and pulls out a brute shot water gun* *sees hippie walk in and pulls out grav hammer* hippie,RUN!!!!111!!11!!1!
emma,heads up. *throws water balloon from across the room* zoooom zoom(touchdown) sweet. *facepalm* omg *comes running out of emma's room* I HAS YOUR FLAG. *runs away*
stop shooting me.RvB,she has your flag *comes through the ceiling* *shoots emma with spartan lazer water gun* LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY JENKINS. *facepalm* omg.