is...... is the forum un broked?
*kiss from out of no where*
i've had that same problem ever since i got firefox version3
*goes back to lab* *goes back to playing halo3* *goes back to playing halo3* *goes back to playing halo3*
*turns the ground inside the dome into quick sand*
*earth bends a colloum of ground into angels wand and hand against the dome trapping it there* that's a relief,for a sec i thought i was going to be siefer's big idiot goon(forgot his name).
*binds agnels hand and feet with steel hard rock* *water bends and two different style ice cages over angel and one over dia* *earth bends a rock cage over angel and dia* *engulfs the dome cages in fire* *puts a air domes over the fire domes*
13 . *hugs*
zoom *fire bends dia in the face* zoomzoom *earth bends a giant snake and sends it flying after angel* *water bends a whip and starts whipping at angel* *air bends angel down to the ground*
*creates a air vortex around angel* *fire bends lightning at angel* *earth bends huge collums of rock at angel* *water bendsice spears and shoots them at angel*
*earth bends some earth to trap angels hands and feet to the ground so she can't escape or move* *ties some rope around her wings* *water bends an ice cage around emmax* *earth bends a dome over the ice* *fire bends the the earth dome super heating it* now,what should we do with you angel? the managers dauther9if he has one)then come into the store and brag about it.
i remember that thread.don't worry man.i dont know what else to tell you.just keep calm,i'm sure it will go fine.
*combines air* *combines fire* *combines earth* *combines water* *into one giant tornado of all 4 elements and shoots it at emmax and angel*
*summons tornado* they are not my servants,they are my brothers zoom zoom *fire bends a giant ball of fire FOR SPARTA *earth bends spikes from the ground* we will this day. *water bends a tidal wave*
*melts them with fire bending* *earth bends some boulders and shoots them at angel and emmax*
*bends water into and ice spears and throws them at angel and emmax*
high five.
your crazy...........just like hooch.
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