this thread has gotten off track.
i don't know what the hell i'm doing either
so messenger is just the same as email,but IM i guess.
yeah i don't know what i'm talking about either. oh it is,sweet.
hey on that yahoo messenager,is that just your email or is that something different?
ummmmmm well i wasn't talking to you,but i was talking to----roxasissomebody don't read the invisy text,its guy stuff. to your manhood XD hahahahhah
ROFLOL hahah,that was great.i remember taht from some where but i don't know where.
*finds apple juice in back of frigerator* sweetness. *takes all of the apple juice* *goes to basement* i'll be back in a sec guys
you guys want to see something even scarier?
don't ever see it,that crap will freak you out for ever. i still have the mental scars from the first time i saw the age of 5.
ohh,someone plz fill me in on the details.
who?me or haseo?
*walks into kitchen* hey val,wazzzzzzzzz upppp. hey,do we have any more apple juice?
you guys want to see something scary?
what happened to you two? zoom zoom? yeah,go ahead take those to the lab. zoooooooooooooooom *zoom to lab*