DX oh screw the forgottens if you want to we can re dew the duel :P
o.o ****** slaps austin* XD
XD your no midget
DX oh sorry im not realy good with syncros yet sooo just swich rose and this card [IMG]
XD Get in ma belly!
D:< what the **** is everyone talking about
DX this is as confuseing as this video
DX that was mean
:D UHH DUHHHH only the most awsome midget ever
well damn i dont think i can win this but ill give it a try time for the forgotton cards i special summon No Face The forgtton thanks to his...
<///< oh umm >///> ---------- the midget with a gun! ---------- [IMG]
:D lol your almost as good as the gorilaz
DX thats hard to remeber but ty very much
*looks at album* >.>......>///>
like in a thred how do you post a video
i have a question DX how do you make a vdeo on the chat like moshi did in darkside
damn not only are you a poet your good
XD oh yay idk wether to be scard or to laugh
>:3 you ppl are so right
Ah that explains so much lol oh no way! thats the video i just favd XD