Name: Alyse Age: Just turned 17 Appearance: Bio: After her mother disappeared when she was younger, Alyse became the mother of sorts to her younger brother and sister, and used to work part time at her father's art store before she came to the boarding school. Personality: Usually pretty optimistic, stubborn, an artist at heart (she always carries a sketchbook in one of her bags)
Mizuki gave waved lightly as Geryl entered. "You get lost or something?" she teased.
"Ah...a little woody, but I can live with it." Mizuki smiled and sat down against one of the walls.
Gwyxn laughed lightly, but stayed in her spot. "Okay...just remember to get my good side." OOC: Well, I've gotta jet, peoples. I'll be back bright and somewhat early tomorrow. ^^
"I'm fine...just bored out of my wits." Gwyxn replied, grinning as usual. "Did you get chewed out by Xin yet? She seems like she's in a bad mood today..."
Mizuki looked skeptically at the tree for a moment, before shrugging and entering.
Gwyxn almost jumped, not expecting Zarix to appear. "You know, you almost scared me there." she teased.
OOC: As CG said before, you missed virtually nothing. My girl is wandering around Twilight Town boredly. :P
"Wait up....?" Mizuki muttered, then realized that she only knew Geryl's name. ...this might be a problem.
Mizuki smiled faintly, as she now had less rowing to do. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment. What was it that she was forgetting about?
OOC: Yups, I'm a US gal. As for where I live...that shall remind a mystery. *evil grin* :P I'll give you a hint; it's around 11:40 PM here.
Mizuki nodded tiredly and rowed. We're almost there...almost free.
OOC: feel like we're spamming the thread for some reason. Ah well. :P I wish it would rain or at least cool down around here. =/
Mizuki shrugged, smiling faintly. "I don't know, actually. Wherever the road takes me, I guess." She looked over at some of the sinking boats and frowned. "Poor people...they barely even got a taste of freedom. We'd probably better get this thing to safety before we end up like them..."
Mizuki turned around to face Geryl. "Mizuki. Pleased to met you."
OOC: Believe me, I know the feeling. :/ I hope you get a handle on things! ^^
Mizuki quickly made in onto one of the boats and sighed as she looked out at the sky. "Sweet, sweet freedom..." she muttered happily as the boat drifted further and further away from the prison.
OOC: ...sweet? *blink* Wait, you're leaving?
OOC: hasn't rained in a while here. It's just freaking hot out. T.T No clue where she is. Maybe she's busy tonite?
OOC: *whacks back with Misty's mallet* Meanie. :P Gwyxn sighed as she wandered around Twilight Town. Xin and Reixa were off shopping and finding out info somewhere, and she had no clue where anyone else was. Plus, she needed a break from all the drama everyone had been going through lately.