"You'd better take off..." the blonde muttered as she took the rose out of her hair and smashed it with her foot, leaving it on the ground. If Max had anything to do with what was going on, he was probably going to get severely chewed out.
OOC: Heh...sneaking a last message before I leave. :P Gwyxn subconsciously touched the black rose in her hair, suddenly recognizing the person on the clocktower. What's he up to though? Xin's already mad at him...and if he does something else stupid, Xadyn'll probably have a go at him next.
Dammit, where is everyone else? Doesn't anyone else here know something's wrong? Gwyxn smiled wryly. "Sorry to interupt your sketch Zarix, but I want to go check something out." Once that was said, she took off down one of the streets, but ended up slamming into a teen with extremely spikey blond hair. "Whoops..sorry." she muttered sheepishly as she got up. Looking up, she noticed someone on the clock tower that looked eerily familiar to her... OOC: I'm gonna disappear for a little bit. Laters.
"Okay. I'm getting bored here anyway." Mizuki got up from her spot, brushed hair out of her face, and put her necklace back on. OOC: Howdy. ^^
Mizuki stretched her legs out and sighed. "Assassins, escaping death...sounds easy." she said lightly. Truthfully, she was just cheerful because she was finally free...for the moment.
Gwyxn blinked as she watched Roxas pass by, then lightly shook her head, annoyed that everyone's emotions were so stiffled. Twilight Town felt so...dead. "Zarix..." she asked slowly, "Something's wrong."
OOC: See you later. ^^
"Running's part of escaping." Mizuki stated as she looked at the necklace in her hand. She hadn't seen her family in so long...were they even still alive?
Mizuki nodded and said, "How hard can escaping death be? We've already done it; we just have to do it again."
Mizuki grinned. "Freedom...it seems so weird to think that after being stuck there so long, we're finally free."
She smiled. "Thanks, but I already found it." She unclasped in from her neck and gripped it tightly in her hand. She quickly told the girl who had just woken up, "We're free."
OOC: Basically, we all escaped on some boats, and now we're hiding in some cave thing....
For usually being extremely active, Twilight Town is pretty quiet today... Gwyxn frowned faintly. She couldn't sense any emotions through out the town, only a few faint flickers of emotion she usually felt from other nobodies. What was going on today? Regardless, she kept her pose so that Zarix could finish drawing her.
Mizuki gave him a stubborn look. "I had to go get my necklace. It's really special to me, and I didn't want someone else to steal it."
"Well, if you want to stay here and rest for a little bit, you can. I'm going to head back inside." Mizuki gave the other girl a cheerful wave before disappearing into the hallow again.
Mizuki frowned faintly also. Being a runaway of anything usually meant lots of running and hiding. "Well, the others probably won't mind if you come with us."
"On the run from prison. You?" Mizuki smiled faintly. Finally, another girl who was on the run. She had thought she'd be doomed to be stuck with a bunch of boys; not that there was anything wrong with that, but still.
"Mizuki." She took Natalie's hand and shook it lightly before letting go. "Are you on the run too?" she questioned. She hadn't remembered seeing the other girl when she'd left, but then again, she'd been pretty distracted.
Mizuki held up her hands in surrender. "Hey, I'm not going to attack you. I was looking for my necklace." She held up the silver necklace with the shining dark red heart that hung from it, then clasped it back on her neck and tucked it under her shirt.
Mizuki suddenly got up. "Be right back." She'd lost her necklace outside; it must have fallen off when they were running. Climbing out of the hallow, she looked around outside the tree and grinned. "Found it...huh?" She looked up to see another girl wandering around the forest. "Who...?"