"...romantic...emotions..." Gwyxn repeated, trying to take this in. OOC: I so love your new icon, CG! ^^
"One of my father's friends lives here...or at least, he did when my father took me here a couple years ago. He might be able to lend us some money." And tell me how my family's doing....
Gwyxn turned red in confusion and slight surprise, before putting her hands on her hips and looking at the corner. "Zarix, I know you're hiding in that corner..." she told him dryly.
"Me neither..." Mizuki smiled faintly as she recognized the town. "I might know someone who can lend me some money though."
Gwyxn gave a faint nod, suddenly unsure of what to say. Looking down at her feet, she tried to sort out what was going on. Zarix...apparently liked her, or something. Geez...why am I so confused?
"I conned people out of their money. Someone caught me in the act and I got dragged off to prison. Of course, not without a fight though." Mizuki grinned.
"And you can actually draw. I can't draw to save my life." She laughed lightly as she thought for a moment about what to say next. "Well, I hate arrogant jerks and black roses are the bane of my existance."
As they walked, Mizuki suddenly, "What did you get imprisoned for in the first place?"
"...yeah, I suppose that's true..." Gwyxn said skeptically. She could tell he was lying by the look on his face and the tone of his voice. Still, she decided to let the subject drop for a while. "I know virtually nothing about you either." she teased.
"Future village idiot?" Alyce blinked. I need to get some sleep...I really need to get some sleep.
Gwyxn looked at Zarix curiously before answering. "Not at the moment, no. Why do you ask?" She managed to keep her voice light and casual, when really she was confused out of her mind. Why had he kissed her?
Amused, Alyce watched Jake disappear down the road shouting happily. She turned to the stranger who had been watching them, and who also probably felt awkward watching the two of them. "I haven't met you yet...I don't think."
"Thank you, I guess." The blonde said uncertainly. She was still a little surprised from the kiss, and slightly embarrased, because she was hoping that Xadyn wasn't watching them. OOC: I do stuff like that too sometimes. :P
"I'll see you tomorrow." Alyce had started to walk away, but suddenly turned around and gave him a quick, but tight, hug. "Thanks for the ride. I loved it." She let go, then turned to the stranger and smiled. OOC: Nope. We were just heading back to our dorms, so feel free to join in. :P
OOC: ...and who is Kyo exactly? :P Gwyxn blushed faintly as emotion ran quickly through her like estascy. "I wouldn't say I'm perfect...nobody's perfect, after all..."
"Alas, it all ended too soon." Alyce joked as she attempted to straighten her hair out. She realized somone had said something to them, and gave a tired wave.
"It's pretty." Gwyxn told him cheerfully. Looking at it closely, it did look exactly like her. It even had a trademark Gwyxn grin.
"Perfect." Alyce told him happily, grinning as they picked up speed.
Alyce smiled and gripped Jacob's waist tightly as the bike took off. "Don't worry, I'll hold on tight." she told him quietly.
Alyce got on behind him. "Should I hold on and I hope I don't fall off?"