Alyce shrugged. "Lots of bizzare stuff's happening to us today." She nodded, then froze. "Wait, that means I'm next, doesn't it?"
Alyce cluched her fist tightly in fear. What was going on? Jasmine was invisible, Nami was in pain...
OOC: I've gotta go for a little bit, people. ^^ Alyce smiled at Jake to show that she accepted his apology, then blinked and almost jumped when she heard a voice. "Huh? Jasmine, was that you?" she asked curiously.
"Hintaro, chill. I mean, calm down. You'll be fine." Mizuki looked at Kagai oddly. "What's so funny?"
What's with him today? He's being so rude. "The first...are you sure you haven't been watching too many horror films?" Alyce gave Jake an odd look as if to say, What's your problem?
Alyce shook her head. "Nope, I think you're losing it." she told Geryl, smiling to show that she was kidding.
Mizuki sighed and sat down, cluching her legs tightly to warm them up. "Well, this is just perfect..." she muttered sarcastically.
Gwyxn gave a small nod and relaxed. "Night." She quickly fell asleep, head on his chest.
Gwyxn smiled tiredly and leaned back on Zarix. "I'm tired." she told him lightly.
Mizuki was freezing, but she didn't show it. "If you're trying to scare me by telling me I'm going to freeze to death, it's not working."
"I'd probably be sick then too. I had one of those, remember?" Alyce replied quickly. To Jasmine she said, "Oh, okay...bye."
"You look really spaced. Did something happen?" Alyce asked, her voice sounding slightly worried.
OOC: Alrighty. Noticing he looked spaced out, Alyce asked, "Are you okay?"
"Weird feeling?" Alyce shrugged.
Gwyxn laughed and took a seat on his bed. "I blame you for it ending up here."
Alyce blinked as Jake stepped closer to her. What was he so tense? She waved to Jasmine. "Hi."
Gwyxn smiled and gripped his hand.
Alyce smiled brightly. "Nice to meet you, Geryl."
"Alyce. And you would be...?"
Gwyxn nodded tiredly and walked through the portal. "Thank you." she said cheerfully. OOC: I'm gonna disappear for a bit. Be back later, peoples.