yeah here Enable Code goofy 200F9014 24010003 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F000D X's Status / Move Palette is Y's Status(goofy) 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F000D 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61726F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029 and then after using session hold L1 and press O,/\, or X O,/\,X 10340E60 0000023C 10340E62 0000023B 10340E66 0000023D and by the way do you know what form this code is in 11c79cf0 00000??? 11c79d30 11c79d70 11c79db0 11c79df0 11c79e30 11c79e70 11c79eb0 11c79ef0
I did but I couldn't find it and also if I want more bosses do I add the zeros to the other lines
the junk room mod code
does anybody have the line for this code because I cant find it
do you think you could really hack it?
is there a working duel wielding wisdom sora code for ar max
I think I'm really good because I unlock all the characters and stages in a day and a half
how do you get the riku code to work with the warp to 1000 heartless code
I've heard of mugen and it is awesome chars i've been wanting is Hyper Gogeta and Hyper Gotenks by Supermystery
Evilman_89 do you have the code to play as holloween sora outside of his world
Actually i already have this code but I want a code to make the words in your menu dissapear
is there a code to make your complete Menu dissapear
Is it possible to play pc games on a Ps2 with the use of a swap magic
thank you so much
does anybody have the code to get rid of your HUD and Menu because I asked evilman and he said he doesnt have it
The HUD is your health,mp, and drive
I know that code makes the game impossible and oh do you have the code I want
I know but it makes the game harder
is there a code to get rid of your HUD and Menu
ok I can wait till tommarow is there a code to get rid of your HUD and Menu