can someone tell me your best codes for kh 2 final mix because I just ordered it oh and the master code and when do you get Limit form
oh ok and by the way i sent you a message on youtube
yeah cause this guy is gonna port the throne room mod code to regular kh2 but he needs a live dump
does anybody have a live dump of Kh2
I dont have pall you said that they were for regular Kh2
it didnt work for me
oh ok I didnt know because it was in the Kh2 Pall thread
do you think you could make it for Regular Kh 2
oh ok because I've never seen a single video of it
can someone port these codes 11C533E8 0000 11C535C4 0000
In Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix when you beat terra do you get something called the kings charm
Is it possible to make a music mod with this music
Does anybody have the uber valor form code because I took the one from final mix ported it to regular and changed it to ar max and nothing changed
yes it worked! thanks
thanks cause I want the code in Ar max too
do I need to conbine the two lines of codes EDIT: I cant convert it to Ar max i get a error message
can somebody please answer me
does anybody have the half valor half master form code featured in this video (near the end)
yeah it is
yeah here 1033FF14 0000018A 1033FF16 0000018A 1033FF18 0000018A 1033FF20 0000018A 1033FF22 0000018A 1033FF24 0000018A