it is my first time scince i just got it yesterday
cool you gona released the codes
its still saying cheat is for wrong game should i try a different cheat never mind I just made a mistake on the max convert actually something is wrong when said make sure your game is inserted i put swap magic in swaped the games and pressed [ ] but it never loaded up
thanks i will see if it works
the one on the first page
this one it's in the description
only KH2Fm Just now I hit expert mode and I did it manualy and it worked but when i tried to put the code limit form sora with normal command menu it said this cheat is for wrong game
Guys i need help i put KH2FM into ps2 for armax and it said armax cannot read this disc what should I do?:(
I have a quick question I not trying to spam I just got KH2Fm today and I got to the collosiuem and by the valley of the dead entrance there is a floating orb what is it?
can someone try this for me Play as Halloween sora 9MPY-6H6H-01PHB U94N-4P7T-HDQ4P
anybody got a working riku with final's moveset
I tried it and nothing happened
so am I should I change the final form weapon which one are u using
what keyblade do you have Sora using
is their a certain weapon I should have with Sora or something because when I attack riku will swing but I can't hit anyrhing
it wokred but I can't hit anybody
i dont know when I play as riku everything is the same
it didn't work nothing happened
whats the highest battle level code
here and by the way you wouldn't happen to have a working riku with finals moveset DW Sora(Press R2 when walking into different area) TBC7-87B6-DZG02 BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG KXAD-H458-FCBN0 AXFP-CBMZ-U3AUN XTNA-AK11-JEV6A 6YN6-MA5J-XZCTK GKMF-G0EA-C5K8F 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7