Luxord um isnt he part of the organization
hey how do youo put kewl stuff on your signature? every pic i find is over 1000bit Why do you guys like badgers so much? is some one here reeally like the book redwall or something?
wow um what do you guys talk aboout anyways
i live in california Basically around where magic mountain is anyone eveer been to magic mountain? or do you even no what it is?
ummmmmm.................... this is tough maybe the world that never was cuz you see riku again! but what describes me.......... peter pans wonderland cuz i think itt would be awesome to fly...
i want some cookies what flavor were theey chocolate chip is the besrt
Hey is kingdom hearts three gonna be about the past? because one of the videos on this website talks about a great key blade battle and im wondering if the kh3 preview is all about it . if so..... that bald guy might be xehanort from the past cuz ansems reports says that he lost all of his previous memories....... is terra that girl with blue gray hare? wow its so quiet here
i suck at drawing i uploaded this pic from the inter net no offense to those demeyx lovers but i did not like fighting him cause those clones got annoying i had to use donalds limit the guy with spears was hard.... i had to use king mickey cause i died.... was his name by any chance vexen?
yeah............ isnt he the guy who uses that guitar and creates water clones and you gotta beat them all in like 30 seconds?
haha lol thats funny
dude just go on lime wire and type in sephiroth theme or something like that.... is it one winged angel?
litenite661: sin