someone can translate it? (for example: burst edge - *axel's RC*) give the boss name on it? please i needa help!
Sora: hello marluxia! can i try my new keyblade with your new scythe together? i see the giant tree at behind the house, we can attack it.
i dont know, but its funny maybe:
i know it, but, what reaction commands will take roxas's keyblade at roxas battle? i can't read japanese language. :) and Burst edge for axel.
how to use the code? (make the code active during battle after active those cheats)
hehe thanks! but you promised to me to try it and reply me right?;)
i use the code, but i downt know how to use it, someone can tell me? i use this Keyblade RC 11C5FF4E 000002A0 11C5FF48 000002A0 too, but i dont know how to use it, SOMEBODY HELP ME!
woow! its reaction mod for three keyblade at roxas battle anytime? its gonna cool! Edit: i use the code, but i downt know how to use it, someone can tell me? i use this Keyblade RC 11C5FF4E 000002A0 11C5FF48 000002A0 too, but i dont know how to use it, SOMEBODY HELP ME!
yeah! me too! the codebreaker now is: 11C5FF48 000002A0 Right? or this? 11C5FF4E 000002A0 ??? whats the real code? the code only can use at Roxas data battle and 1st visit TWTNW Right? what is the code?? Smartguy_05, do you know what is the right codes? and for tororuma, what codes for hp mod?
what is the code? i 'll convert it to u, oh, maybe your digits is wrong? put game id 0001, region: japan, have you been put it on? roxas code as you want, try these with my master code: Code: Roxas 1 Keyblade U7RF-YEUY-G587B AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ Roxas 2 keyblade JAWZ-M10B-RPAEC 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F
Roxas 1 Keyblade U7RF-YEUY-G587B AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ Roxas 2 keyblade JAWZ-M10B-RPAEC 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F
your master code maybe wrong? try this one:-- (from EvilMan_89) Master code VJ8X-PN4G-R1MWT 3KA7-HTQB-RQRE4 hope this work
EvilMan! you mean.. i can use burst edge anytime w/ Axel? thats so Cool! use (i don't know the name of Lexaeus reaction command) anytime with Lexaeus? Cool! can i have the code? and digits too! thanks!
Sora went to mall, to get some candies. Sora get supised when he see Roxas. Sora: ROXAS!! long time no see! what's your present?? a nice present? OCC:offtopic: i have been sora, sorry:nono:.
Sora wants to meet Roxas and have a talk with him, but he can't find Roxas. Sora: Roxaaaass..! Roxaaaass..! where are u? Marluxia, Larxene, do u have meet Roxas? where is he? OOC: Where is Twilight_XIII and Wisdom Form Guy? Thanks Marluxia's Rose!
Sora open his gift, there's a new Keyblade, and Clothes. Sora: Yay! thats my WISH! i'll try this new clothes! after that, sora goes to fitting room. but the Clothes didn't fit with him Sora: DAMN!:yelling: What is this clothes! too small 4 me! give me another clothes santa! but the keyblade is cool!
CAn i Join with u? CAn i Join with the others? if i can join, i'll be Sora. ^^ (Becoz Roxas already use)
Oh, Cloudstrife252! do u have Leon, Tifa, and Yuffie Jokered version (R2 button for all, coz when i press 2 different Joker Button and different character, all jokered party member don't appear) thanks!
No problem:), You're welcome!
ooh, yah, thats it, Ultimate roxas Limit cut! Ultimate Roxas 7H93-20FE-H8C8Z EPDE-ZR3J-XKQM0 NCCW-NKEE-ZYM4R TFYP-0RCT-WRR1K VBP8-JXMB-41TE0 WZ5F-DMVB-BHMFK i only have xaldin's lances, here Sora Weild Xaldin Lances F830-HU86-ZHPRE 261X-0JF9-G55C4 Sora wield Xaldin's Lances B312-PNXB-0ZMAU FZ6W-5FXW-208A2 Xaldins Spears, Unequip Explosion and other extra finishers equip Kingdom Key too 11CD4390 00000845 i don't know wich one will work for u. Oh, CLOUDSTRIFE252! do u have Leon, Tifa, and Yuffie Jokered version (R2 button for all, coz when i press 2 different Joker Button and different character, all jokered party member don't appear) thanks!
i only have some of those, here, btw, what is Limit cut? Mickey replaces Donald (Press R2 and go to new map) 0CB4-CMAH-YJ473 VPZT-5M3M-CWGW6 Ultimate Roxas 7H93-20FE-H8C8Z EPDE-ZR3J-XKQM0 NCCW-NKEE-ZYM4R TFYP-0RCT-WRR1K VBP8-JXMB-41TE0 WZ5F-DMVB-BHMFK