Roxas, i'm with u! :ninjacat:
link is not work
go to the left way of the first heartless battle (where the barrier lock you and fight some heartless), and attack the 3 of a rounded thing. (sorry i don't know what's name, coz i'm came from Indonesia :D ) Edit: can someone tell me the list of joker? becoz when i use R2, there are 2 jokers i know: D034D45C 0000FDFF <- for 1 change E003FDFF 0034D45C <- for 2 changes (like replaces 2 party member with someone or something like that) and what is the others jokers? Edit 2: what digits for Hercules at end of Hades Paradox Cup? the one who will create a ball of light to hit Hades
Evilman, why you don't make another videos?
yeah cool, but how to port it?
ii'm not download it, i buy it.
freeze too! should i joker it too? what is shininess?
so, i can't use model mod? i have jokered it, but still freeze.
can someone tell me the codes of this? i think it replaces party member and Chip&Dale too.
so, i put the joker at top of the code without replacing any codes?
can you jokered it for Final form with limit model?
cloudstrife252, when i use this code: Final Sora has Limit model EFY0-A6HZ-5RTAE 1YPB-0EK8-0UUR3 NZ2N-Y4M8-HDC0Z it only give me black screen and music playing. 21C95674 5F303031 21C95678 4631484B Right codes?
Render: Color: Cream, Yellow, White, Black Text: 1. Fate of NoBody 2. "Where is my HEART?" thanks.
awesome!! THANK YOU!:ninjacat:
358/2 Days is story before Sora awaken right? so if riku is the boss, it's like a DEEP DIVE!
what program do i need to make A RENDER?
Okay, i'll be waiting. thanks try this UTVD-21BR-24MBE V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 NJ3B-R101-FZRZJ CXFG-0Y0K-8MGT7 BY8J-UVF5-V9DRQ DFYC-F7UW-D3TUW
wow! whats the others digits??????
Finally here! Riku V3 from Erkz! the code is works!
if i use V3 code, can use dark aura?