Well, there is the "Ultimate" Sephiroth and Final Xemnas Codes on the front page. You can check them out, but know these facts about them. 1.Only used on real battles, not UCMs (Universal Character Mod) 2.Makes one of your allies health go nuts. (0 hp and still alive, no mp, seems like Sephiroth's "Sin Harvest" Moves) 3. I couldn't get to Final Xemnas' battle, since, for some strange reason, the dragon was invincible. ._. Other than that go nuts! XD Well, Cloud doesn't have hp points O.o If you want to edit Sephy's health, go on the front page, and look for boos edit or somethin' >.> <.< :D And a question to anyone who ansers it, is it possible to have the text on cutscenes to dissappear with a code. If we can, we can make a movie with no subbies!!! 8DDDD
This Help? DW Mickey {Have FF Moveset for Sora, not mickey!} 11CFA3FC 00000318 21CC346C 01000000 21CC34B4 001C0001 21CC34BC 09000000...
Let me help 1.I randomly searched around Kh-vids and Youtube for them. 2.Just a possibility 3. Sorry, I forgot that I was supposed to Insta-freeze, giving you a picture of the room you moded, so I really couldn't test If I was good at all. Besides that, I'v been playing for 3 years now, so I got a hang of it... that help? :)
Nah, you can fight in different places, I'm pretty sure we can mod to have more thatn on boss everywhere, but we need to find the digits...
Yes, the UCM {Universal Character Mod} Digits
Hey, Sasuke7700! :D In order to fight 4 bosses or more you need a room replacement mod, here, I'll supply you the codes, just hold on a sec... EDIT: Here's one... The Alter of Naught Room mod Save 11C799FC 0000XXXX Mickey 11C7A148 0000XXXX Riku 11C7A7A8 0000XXXX Donald 11C7AA6C 0000XXXX Goofy 11C7ACC8 0000XXXX I did not put in kairi's replacement digits since they don't work, I'll report here again if I find the correct ones, since I forgot where I found this... ._. Edit: Here's another, and the best one yet.... Throne Room Mod Emperor: 11C7C18C 0000XXXX Small Chest 11C7B810 0000XXXX 11C7B850 0000XXXX 11C7B890 0000XXXX 11C7B8D0 0000XXXX 11C7B910 0000XXXX 11C7B950 0000XXXX Big Chest 11C7B990 0000XXXX 11C7B9D0 0000XXXX Soldier 1 11C7BFD0 0000XXXX Soldier 2 11C7C0B0 0000XXXX Save 11C7B79C 0000XXXX The last one is Olympus Colliseum Mod, but I decided not to bring it out. If you really want it, you can either lookin youtube for Antiweapon's "Roxas Frenzy" Video or explore the site, either way is possible :B P.s: I tryed to fight 5 sephiroths, but the game freezed on meh... :(
Wow, I was never told of a new model mod code! @.@
Show me the code that you used, it should be.. 51CB98D0 00000020 01CB96F0 00000000 or at least somethin' like that.
ok, here... The Alter of Naught Room mod Save 11C799FC 0000XXXX Mickey 11C7A148 0000XXXX Riku 11C7A7A8 0000XXXX Donald 11C7AA6C...
You mean the Alter of Naught codes?
So... with the player mod, I'll be able to attack donald,goofy,ally,or partner? ...Sweet, thx for da codes :D
There is the alter of Naught codes, want me to send them?
No problem XD
Um actually, here's an example... Have two UCM Codes in as Sora-Played only, like roxas, Riku, or yet another Sora, in the donald or goofy slot, this only allows 2 characters So, use: 3/4 Sora fix And the Sora- played character u can, well, play as! And that's it, nothing else about, it's active immediately, and what it does is that you can play as two characters Traveling around areas, so you can battle in different worlds, and not stay in one area! Also, if you really want to play as the character you love, set the character as the SECOND SLOT (Donald or Goofy)! :D Not to be Mean :D
Oh okay, thx for helping me though! :)
Teh Game ID : 0893 AR MAX Codes: Spoiler (M) HC3C-1AT2-E39ED R55Q-5Y2B-Q6U38 New Codes For the Series 2PBV-64GX-1YHWW Infinite Funds-Xtreme Mode JRFY-Z56V-Q91KB H43W-FAGA-77WKD Infinite Iron-Xtreme Mode 27B6-74BU-KGR51 7Q4C-CUJQ-505PH Infinite Skill Points-Destiny Mode G8RC-1WAB-EMJ39 7W92-QG6D-G9480 9999 Tactical Kills-Destiny Mode BDT2-BBB9-BX4HT 924P-JMQ1-GFHJP Power-Up Codes JHWN-Q72X-TDNVP JB9E-91K0-74840 Infinite All Power-Up Points 4Y9K-RN24-9J2PB 40E5-G3YV-8WJ91 F1JG-HYAT-XZFM5 Infinite Life Points 7ZDD-GE05-4Q70R XE3Z-6GEY-G4R4P Infinite Musou Points 5H3D-ZQF2-DF67N ZKVJ-J1ZX-W4HP7 Infinite ATK Points CAG2-8R3H-EEGNU N9KW-Z9P6-4KPVR Infinite DEF Points XUD6-58VX-7C40T 62Q3-UE2R-FAKTC Infinite PWR Points B0P4-N52J-8W0JP 8QE9-9EBZ-0UTR1 Infinite ATB Points TXJF-YMXQ-2HAHM KHNQ-BEDM-URRGD P1 Codes 915E-TEPV-XZJFH Max Health F2PK-B8PV-0GNXJ TAVV-DRGJ-HP0X9 Minimum Health WTKX-DPBQ-E7XQY URZE-XGT2-BMV5D Infinite Health X9M9-4CMR-XQNP7 AZPZ-M43G-PCX3Y Low Health 8CW2-0QB9-4N7RN AZJJ-9QKX-5P1CV Max Musou KHNG-A8UW-FPKXJ 1B5Z-PTHF-Q87VW Minimum Musou D176-8F73-RAKTE 0HYD-8ANH-PQ3M0 Infinite Musou 6VHV-HB3B-H2B21 QJN1-3T6M-6264E Low Musou 5E2U-5ZWV-H43KZ XH2U-4PDB-ACW4C 9999 Kills 2QP0-UY1J-CRCUU 4Y1V-ZUUJ-UJBQ8 0 Kills JFHE-EKFF-9CC2Y C9XK-M82P-K5E18 Infinite Arrows HMGX-B6JM-2AJ57 HH5H-0TJC-NU7YF No Arrows C7F4-UKYC-CPNMY M9X2-6X9W-BE6KD Infinite Time Offense X2 RHMG-N65G-YR32Q XNF6-AEK4-5PJUR No Time Offense X2 UAJX-UF4M-EN65W T1TM-Q5F3-HX20Y Infinite Time Defense X2 W0R8-Y6JN-2HVBP JJFU-RP5J-UAV9N No Time Defense X2 UY82-UYZ5-FZ917 KPY9-89Y7-VW9V7 Infinite Time Speed Up YQ8X-U021-0Z46A PYF2-GENA-EX37W No Time Speed Up TC06-36MZ-1CWRR 8T8M-4UVM-UCY3M Infinite Time Musou Max MH5X-FCT2-945FG 6GJ6-7406-12187 No Time Musou Max PE6J-R41K-5KQJV FA4F-6KZZ-FE1W1 Always In Musou Rage J7YA-Z2MW-NUNX8 1XQH-CHA5-5EF8E Never In Musou Rage Z1RG-JJ3N-BVQBR G2NM-N4EN-H8GK6 Press Select for Musou Token 9HYE-HBZK-8RX7H 15FY-FMPE-D1N27 ETJC-YGCG-R048V P2 Codes XP4G-7DFQ-08G5N Max Health 71WG-60M4-MTB4Q 5RZD-HWZA-20T84 Minimum Health NFW3-385A-DYFDP CH8N-CHA0-PA39N Infinite Health 487N-HN9M-EW8JR ECET-TE1C-CUVYE Low Health 74H2-4DM7-D2G29 8ZBP-6XX8-3J054 Max Musou 5HP6-HB8F-35KD1 WCBJ-0DG2-URJ6F Minimum Musou ZTYR-A6DK-VXJP1 QCMW-22XU-VHBQ2 Infinite Musou YY7K-UCXQ-DRP54 9U3C-EV4E-4DR11 Low Musou M4YM-9V7G-C90K3 04AY-V81F-Z732J 9999 Kills 72KV-KMNT-FBND4 V386-FUVG-0Q0JT 0 Kills 8EZY-NE75-RMDDV VUU1-3P4T-QMWCW Infinite Arrows Z63Q-2CQ1-YDE3N NZVG-PEHY-7JJNN No Arrows W9N0-PK94-J6UAA DHA8-4N3A-Q28BZ Infinite Time Offense X2 383D-51CA-T4VNF PQAX-4BPF-KQKPZ No Time Offense X2 1NBV-3U2U-353ZB NP03-NRAC-29GBH Infinite Time Defense X2 8VE0-BFCW-ZM5CG EHC8-9AEA-0DXB1 No Time Defense X2 X3MC-DMMZ-109YK CHNF-XQDH-1ZVA9 Infinite Time Speed Up 7J6B-DZDR-AJYMG RJBC-T1NU-E2JFT No Time Speed Up AY8G-H1G8-TZ8KU DT3Z-VF52-G8D54 Infinite Time Musou Max MQP2-T2EC-X50CD 42J7-TFYU-G2B1D No Time Musou Max AUA3-0FY6-66NQY ZFWH-55PE-B8UDJ Always In Musou Rage 17G9-R7M0-DP4GY TRTV-DAGR-EZU52 Never In Musou Rage 8MRM-D6RH-WT7W6 F0T8-GM25-3M1QU Press Select for Musou Token EQQ3-QNGX-RR7JV AV9U-U4MT-M8GMM CRNY-QYY7-6JYBD Item Codes A73P-CHH4-06Y5W All Items C51V-WCDB-FF5AF QHD9-PQ73-2FZD0 FWWN-5W4D-EYPDT 8N6G-07EE-8A4V6 YU7P-TYEN-7FMQT Peacock Amulet +20 B5J8-V2K8-61KU0 BX4V-GGMF-667MU Dragon Amulet +20 D61W-XCQA-2Y7BR F7WP-GA4H-N25DV Tiger Amulet +20 A9A6-R4C1-M2ND8 4X1H-F22Q-ABJAP Tortoise Amulet +20 RTP4-F5TR-1Y1FC UNRB-2WY4-DN89E Speed Scroll +20 2QDT-U0X2-4251R ARZG-YPDB-KTKT2 Huang's Bow +20 F86E-XX0K-Z3Z0G YZKG-XUTB-APF08 Horned Helm +20 PP7V-0Y7W-ZYKG3 ZH9E-QRJP-4D248 Seven Star Sash +20 HXRP-U48X-RKXFE C0WH-ZRGB-JYMKG Ginseng +20 KCC9-2ZWV-Z5686 9MYV-19ZF-RE6A4 Herbal Remedy +20 3PKC-RX2Q-PFCHC 1NH3-FUKF-BXWMH Fire Orb J3U5-KECP-ZHVTR VCX9-44UB-T0E2K Ice Orb RJPG-6CRH-TWK6U RTVE-8VEB-RK14F Shadow Orb 930E-NXME-3ZPFT JFTG-UNP2-WF3G5 Light Orb MCKZ-BC43-6A4U3 UFHN-2NZ9-9KX8D Red Hare Harness WJWM-6KF3-3BG73 6QWR-W4W8-ZXZ61 Hex Mark Harness PBD8-KA1X-GJ5CD 4BKV-44RW-ERN7U Storm Harness BF2J-FR4Y-JFF1Y WZGR-Y282-T15B4 Shadow Harness X5C1-R39B-E8F69 W808-FKP1-80Z9V Elephant Harness DYP3-ZDAB-NWTN8 DFN6-CPBC-9J366 Art of War NJG3-2EDF-XCBBU KJNN-WUQ3-RDG4F Survival Guide 6GR7-266F-GX7CP VYTX-XU7M-BY4E5 Bodyguard Manual M6D2-MYHE-8TF85 V5R6-EVQA-V5Q1A Demon Band 34HF-2EHN-PNZ1M X9CR-EN81-XCGVB Way of Musou RNKY-JMXF-H3FXJ B4D4-NH3H-GM0XJ Wind Scroll RK1Y-G81Z-NJN1P XWXZ-XJT2-6T6FG Fire Arrows D9ME-H721-60PBG AXRU-960K-9R21Q Arm Guards 18KD-29VD-PDJD2 4Y9V-W2RM-A6135 Tiger Collar HNXP-J93M-Y8X0G UKFM-VDTZ-JWYCQ Green Scroll UV92-DM4A-6ZM9U EPHX-MY2N-RYP9D Musou Armor 6Q7X-HTFE-5D5XM M60C-5UQW-PG268 Tribal Remedy YR6T-NRDC-ED08C 5ZRZ-9W99-DFAF3 Serpent Earrings XUTP-RE7V-PU9HP WG28-AHN6-7GMB9 Naga Earrings M54V-RC26-9RE3G KAKF-ADE2-GXRQ5 Dragon Arms D27E-8672-Y710N VBR3-9XKY-ZNTYG True Way of Musou 7M91-8J6Y-2RCN7 Z941-3MCN-1E24F Ice Arrows NGYA-WT72-6DW3V RZMZ-Z228-4G4VP Vampire Arms 7YV1-5D0A-JWV3J 3QTD-HR5C-Q5HDK Meat Bun Sack HQ4N-P676-VCE19 WKN9-P936-QX9XY Kirin Hoof VM6C-7N4N-KM0JU 1CHT-AFUU-FKE03 thx to supercheats!
Yea, same here! So I use the Finisher Berserk code! Apparently, you used the right digits, but the uwm is way off to be sora's uwm mod HERE'S something that should work Kairi's key replaces oathkeeper 11CEF110 000008BD NEVER use it on Hand mods (Aka: Sora's left hand mod) or it'll just freeze when pressing start.. ...or was it by clicking sora's items? EDIT: Oh I forgot, in order to get the weapon, You must START with the weapon you modded the dummy into, then it'll work, it'll freeze if you switch into it...
ya tested them?! Hope it works!!!
I think so too, but for girls I dunno if what you said is a good thing, or a bad thing O.o
here ya go :D 1.Here, test this out 10340384 0000XXXX (NEEDS REAL WEAPON DIGITS) OR 11CEF774 0000XXXX (any weapon digits) 2.No, if there was it'll only be in Emulator or KH2fm+ sadly 3.I dunno, either pressing random digits we know of, or using precise digits from the emulator, that's a secret to them... 4. it's okay, I was the same way when i just got here! XD 5.Needs a ton of ani-mods in order to MOVE, jeez, no wonder why hacking was so hard, but we got professionals XD and also that's a no, no princess modding yet...and I don't wanna test princesses ._____.