thx again, Janime6, I'll go see if it works in a while...
What I want is for the health to go down to 60 hp without the moveset mod...
I was asking the same thing! Can some1 get the code plz? Thx!
To be honest, I think that is the correct codes, just joker it and you should be able to have what your asking, haven't you noticed that in the video, sora isn't wasting any drive? :/
does it work, have you tried it? :/ srry, I want this code badly!!! EDIT:I already tried it, it didn't work
what "roxas style" do you mean? If you want to Dw antiform, holding the keyblades, the have dw roxas' moves instead of final's moveset. I already tested the dw availability, anti can have valor, master, final, or dw roxas' moveset so far, is there any other I hadn't heard about? Oh, ad does someone have a good dw wisdom code, like what Antiweapon posted on the code vault? Thx a ton!! :D
hmm... 1. I'm sure that there's an ally sora code posted somewhere in this website, search for it on the search engine. 2.Weird.I tried that too and it didn't work aswell for me. :/ RANDOM POST: Did anyone have a sucessfull dw wisdom code and/or a riku fix code, cuz the riku fix still doesn't work on meh :(
Thx, from the looks of it, it's pretty much ntsc form xD
1.You can't mod axel to a different person, at least not now since there's no code for it ._. 2. So far the "Final Xemnas" UCM Doesn't work, sadly... 3.Riku can't be modded unless using the "Ally Riku" code, other than that then this is a no-statment theroy xD Is this true? ._. If it is, can some1 port it, it'll be hilarious! xD
...Speechless... ._. Hey, if the darkness flows over him, should it be called "Sorrow Form" :D
check what you're typing up, maybe you mis-typed up something. :D
I'll look for the codes, hang on... EDIT: Does this help?
Um... um... is this what you're looking for?
Maybe you should have a second weapon hand code, here is this 10340B4C 0000XXXX Just put in a weapon digit, like this Oathkeeper: 002A and it should work, with a dw moveset that is (final Dw Roxas, Valor, etc.)
I see... well we were almost there
like I edited, I didn't see you Ported the codes ....
Isn't it spam to post that on this thread :/ EDIT: Oh you just...ported...the codes? You said you ported so we get to play as dark roxas! 8D
No, the Gs Save file. Start the ps2 either open disked or no disked, it should lead you to two selections {System Configuration, and browse or something.}, go to browse and select your memory card you want to erase files with ...Is this spam? :/ EDIT: From the memory card, Janime's right, srry I'm slow :sweatdrop:
It's on the front page, in a file called "Neomovesetmodntsc" or something like that...
not invented yet, sorry. :( Oh, I did not know that :/ Maybe it's your game, or somethin', i'll test it soon...