Math; I got a D- on it so I had to retake it...
No problem 8D
Oh, gosh, I'm sorry about that. I almost had a detention for failing my test, gosh... again, sorry about that incident :[
Awww shnitzel...hold on for a second... Here Take the Magic's "What color are you?" Quiz
I did, but I saved in Traverse town, and riku appeared in Hollow Bastion Somehow, maybe an origin or rule to coding somehow... I deleted my edit in my last post, because the code didn't work (It didn't allow you to save), and I was wondering if ANYONE could format the all cards x 8 from jap. to english, RAW, please!!! Thank you very much!!! EDIT: NVM I got that problem fixed up... Anyway, I tested more of the event modifier, and, well, all of the A digits seem to be the start, no matter where you place them, same with the #s too. I never tested the other letters, I'll post when I'm done testing... Edit: So far, nothing's coming out except intros, oh well. Anyways, I found a different thing... I have tested it out, and what I got was a power boosted version of the weapon, Y'know, when the value digits on the down-left corner turn lightish blue?...
Lol, well, I got a new ps2, games, and went over my friends house... yeah, nothing else XD
Hey, what's up?
AM I LATE?!?!?!?... oh, phew... Anyways, hi, it must've been hard finding a kh site. Have fun here!! :D
Yea, for sure that should work.
Yosh, it's been a while XD
Maybe it's just the Story, after all, what code did you use?
Hey, wazzup! XD
Well, I didn't get Dark Break, so I think I got it easier! EDIT: I've been testing the Event Modifier, and here are some of the results... 01: Nothing 02: Nothing, again... 02: Nothing for the 3rd time... So I skipped 0A(10): Introduction, shows you the World Logo and/or the introduction cutscene the Same goes with 64(100) and C8(200)! there is still more testing, oh, and if you ask, I used Joker...
You're right, DeadHart, I did that in the riku story and, because of that, finished the game in 3:03 (I Dunno if it's hours or minutes, probably hours. Also, I tested out the all cards x 8 code and it worked, but since I had all cards x2, it made me not able to save my game. I'm ready to test any code XD
Hey Guys :D I tested out the "Have all sleights" code for Riku, and it didn't work... By the way, does anyone know how to have all cards x8 (Times 8), like the one in the Jap. version of the game, please? EDIT: NVM I think I figured it out, I'm going to test it out in a while... Thanx! :D 270F is the hexidecimal for 9999 so add that with the max cp code, it should work!
Uh... Angelic Form....?
In order to drive into kh1 sora, use the "drive into roxas code" Spoiler Drive Into Dual-Wielding Roxas 3W0F-AJD8-ZG9JB V0GZ-6WGP-X653K PTBQ-Q6TF-Z4NYE 6J1V-8G5H-89P80 CAZU-CHVF-3HCTT R5H5-PY1N-XBMHV 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 FBCV-81U8-6AB03 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 11CFA404 00000323 21CC3874 000A0001 10340b2c 00000061 1033FEC0 0000002B 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 1st bolded line: UCM for what form to use to drive into the character, and what character to form into 2nd bolded line: What weapon should he weild? This should be the "Drive into Kh1 Sora" code Spoiler "Drive to Kh1 Sora (AntiForm, Ultima Weapon) 11CFA412 000006C1 21CC3874 000A0001 10340b2c 00000061 1033FEC0 000001F4 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 I put it in antiform because: *He can't use magic *Won't mess up with moves, unless you press [] while making a combo, making you T-stance *Be able to guard, unlike the other forms Hope you like!! :D I don't know how to convert, so ask someone to convert it into ar max, sorry! Cool!!! Oh, no I just want it in RAW form, sorry I wasn't specific enough
Can some1 port this, i'll try to get my ps2 to work up again What is this form for anyway?
oh,well...then there's nothing to say except....I sounded evil >8D Oh, and btw, would it make sense to use the hud display size mod on ally roxas/sora/etc., or will it effect everyone?
Post the pal ones up, probably some1 will convert them... also, there's the max level forms up in the "Drive" section in the front page! ....unless you want the abilities....