ok, thx for the info
okay, no prob. :D
yes but DONT USE THEM WHEN YOUR NOT IN LIMIT OKAY, result will end in freezing... codes: last saber=023A Dark Cannon=023B Master hearts=023C Org.13=023D reaction command mod spoiler has the base codes... EDIT: don't use reaction mod session, it'll freeze, i tried it...
oh.. crap... wonder where it is if i find it, i will post it... hold on... EDIT: Bloodyjab from youtube has it? EDIT: Found it 20340C90 0A090964
weird... i thought, once i hit the ground, I would react again EDIT: Still waiting for da code... XD
Well, what happens when I jump n' drive?
ok wonder if valor replaced with kh1 sora can probably do something...?
no... I think i'm planning to... this code is just a mushball form **RING** how bout mushball form? EDIT: Oh and btw, do you have the 9 drive code, i've looked for it and no luck :(
... ... Even so, no one would give a chance to look at pg. 79 of this forum... :( I'll re-quote, for everyone!!! XD ?.? da heck?
? Um... I tried that...but it made me bsod cuz it wasn't in hall of the cornerstone ...wait, that was in destiny islands with the axel battle, so thx anyway ...my head hurts...
Stupid questions... I have three questions... 1.how do you relocate boss battle in different places, especially like this if anyone knows, please give the code! 2.how do you get keyblade movesets, or is it only for kh2fm, since i saw it from Cloudstrife's code legends v.1. If it's out, again, please can you give out the code out! 3. HOW THE HECK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO HAVE FINAL XEMNAS BATTLE!! I tried it 5 times and the codes still don't work. Is it another relocation code, cause i need it badly!!! >.< thx in advance 8D
DW antifinal w/ rcs, no, but the codes needed to make it is in there!
Thank you very much janime6 and deadhart thanks, i finally got the code right, and now im having a blast with antifinal! And I found a, what i call, an awesome god code, but not so supperior to other people... Anti with reaction commands! also with ff moveset for sora! and anti weilds ultima wep 10340bc4 000001F4 equals my now favorite code..antifinal w/ reaction commands!!!! good things -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.use all types of reaction commands 2. use limits 3.drive 4.kick some heartless butt!! >=D 5.super combos!! 6.Summons 7.full fledged pause menu! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bad things -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.no magic {Crap...} 2.when you revert, you get only one keyblade,BUT,you can easily form right back to anti to have two keyblades, either way, it's awesome! 3. Cant use throne room mods etc. with this 4. music mod is canceled out, so no music 5.Kicks out party members, so when you use ally replacements or full party, the code will glitch out and probably will freeze your game, but good thing bosses are available!
A question... Has movesets for keyblades out for kh2 ntsc codebreaker, if it is PLEASE post them, i am dying for testing new codes out ! >.< thx in a TON of advance!!!
Um... what does this do?