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  1. sora_101

    To ensure that the Warrior Form HAS a Final form model, and doesn't freeze, it worked!

    I don't think it needs a joker code, it works by itself :mellow:
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. sora_101
    No, In fact, it is normal sora

    HOWEVER you're acting as if you're playing as Master Form, without driving into it!!
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. sora_101
    New warrior sora!!

    Okay, and my brother gave me time, so I have the code, here

    New Warrior (NTSC/UC)
    11CFA3FC 00000057 ~ Sora = Master Form
    01CB985F 00000009 ~ Sub-Status Mod
    21CEFF38 00303330 ~ Arm Moveset Mod
    21CEFF3C 00000000
    21CEFF40 00000000
    1033FEC0 000001F4 ~ Sora's Weapon = Ultima Weapon
    10340B74 0000002A ~ Master Form's Weapon = Oathkeeper
    11CEF110 000007D1 ~ Oathkeeper = Save the King {DUMMY}
    51CB9870 00000020 ~ Master's Model = Final's Model
    01CB9810 00000000
    21CB9814 5F303031
    21CB9818 46544C55
    2037CE9C 40000000 ~ More Special Effects (OPTIONAL)
    2037EB1C 3F000000 ~ More Drive Effects (OPTIONAL)

    Places Left BLANK are the same as the last code described!

    Hope you like!

    ~Attack like Master Form
    ~Weild Sheild like goofy
    ~Don't have to Drive, however it doesn't let you :huh:
    ~Have Final's Model
    ~Weild Ultima Weapon and Save the king
    ~Added Effects, if you keep the (OPTIONAL) Codes
    ~Almost like Razor's "?Sora?" form, but no copyright :lolface:
    ~Allows some reaction commands, NOT cutscene-ish commands, like
    ~Still no magic, or growth abilities (Call it bad or good)
    ~Shield can protect AND attack!!
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. sora_101
    Hey, is it okay if I reveal it in forum, because I don't want to answer 10 pms at once :xp:
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. sora_101
    Hey, I just made an "Unofficial" version of a Final Form Warrior, would anyone like a peek at the code.

    It's just based on the NTSC version of the Warrior Sora code from 00Roxas00.
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. sora_101
    No, it's not impossible.

    However, the only things intact in that room are the Skateboard and save point, so no one really wants to make the DMA code, since there's really no point :/8D:
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. sora_101
    Profile Post

    thank you for that.

    thank you for that.
    Profile Post by sora_101 for NarutoSuperKubii, Jun 22, 2009
  8. sora_101
  9. sora_101
  10. sora_101
    COOL! Thx Luxord! :D

    So, was this the reason in your video why leons attacked you AND Themselves? XD
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. sora_101
  12. sora_101
    Sorry, that's because that he made it *Cough* Before-You *Cough* :p

    However, I might be able to port it if I have the ELF Files, but I can't seem to find them anywhere! :(
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. sora_101
    Hey, I'm going to ask a question from out-of-the-blue...

    Does anyone have a kh2 ELF File with them?
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. sora_101
  15. sora_101
  16. sora_101
    I think they T-stance, because it's only 1 model, and it doesn't include an animation for "Being hit"!
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. sora_101
    PM me, but this is off topic.
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. sora_101
    Maybe... it might work, if it weren't for the floating Helicopter birdies, I forgot the name XD

    however, i don't think anyone's up for it...
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. sora_101
    Xaldin Might act the same way. It seems like this is not a preferable game for play as bosses.
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. sora_101
    oh okay. sorry you did that for nothing. :(
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault