I have another one. If marluxia would rule the world, everyone would have long pink hair and there would be flowers everywhere.
135) Xemnas loves zebras
You should be over 85 lv and have Ultima Weapon. I use only peter pan, cause when you use his limits, you get so much those points. (i hope you understand)
131) Every single world has it own heart. (I hope you understand)
If Xemnas would rule the world, everyone would wear clothes with zebra colors.
I first bought KH COM, but i didnt like it and i didnt play it then. Then my big sister borrowed 2 years ago KH from her friend and i loved it. Then i played COM. And i bought KH2 1.2 years ago. I would like to nyt KH2 FM+, but i dont where to order it.
This is funny text :stupid: . But they wear black pants under their Coats, so it would be weird, if they dont have shirts.
You should be Zexion, cause it would look cool.
I didnt never read the rules, cause i know how to behave in forums. Ps: Dont hate me :stupid:
First of all, Riku never lost his heart, he just gave in the darkness. And Sephiroth is bad guy from Final Fantasy VII. And Sephy is not Cloud nobody, cause Sephiroth was born before Cloud.
106) If you see a giant mouse in black, running around the city with giant key in his hand, its normal.
104) if You want change your weapon strenght/abilitys, just change the keychain.
83) When you are at pridelands and you use an item, Sora throws that item from his *** hole.
72) When you go to Atlantica, you turn into mermaid and your friends turns into turtle and octopus.
NW is my favourite band. I have listened Nightwish last 3 years and its getting even better. Cause i live in finland, i have already their newest album, Dark Passion Play and its so awesome.
Nightwish best band ever and Amaranth is great song. Cause i live in finland i have already Dark Passion Play album.
Of couse final form would win, cause its so cool.
Well, im going play first KH 358/2 days, cause i have DS. Then im going to buy PSP and Birth by sleep. But i think it doesnt matter, which game you play first.
67) There is giant whale living in the space and its eating people.
I have a question. Why do you stalk me? Cause i havent been so active here. And why my post counter shows, that i have only posted 3 post? Cause i have posted much more.