I would like to see Kimahri, because he just rocks.
I must pick fat guys, cause other ones are too horrible.
I am relaxed, cause today was last test in this school "chapter" and i have 2 days vacation now.
Personally i dont like Bush, cause he wants to keep american troops in Iraq, cause he wants to have more power. And i dont like him because of war of Iraq, i dont like Saddam for that same reason. Personally i wouldnt vote Bush, cause he would just start a new war some where middle-east, but i could be wrong. But i am sure, that he is a fine leader and he can keep USA in one piece.
I will just get them from internet, i am not good to edit my own.
Xemnas:Zebra Xigbar: Monkey Xaldin: Somekind of bird Vexen: Polar bear Lexaeus: Gorilla Zexion: Snake Saix: Wolf Axel: Fox Demyx: Fish Luxord: I dont know Marluxia: Hummingbird Larxene: Cheetah Roxas: Lion
Great picture, i laughed it, cause its so funny :stupid: . But i will win this.
Why do you wanna win this? Im too relaxed to loose now "listens Nightwish Dark Passion Play album"
This is almost impossibe to win, but i will win.
You can give up, cause i will win.
Im going to win this thing.
I did read the rules couple minutes ago, cause i understanded, that i dont know rules completly.
I decided to read now the rules, cause i wanna make sure i know them. Of course i speak finnish, i speak almost perfectly finnish.
Hi, im not completed noob in here, cause i have registered here some time ago, but i havent been so active. Now i decided to be little bit more active. You can guess, that i play Kingdom Hearts and KH is best game series in the world. I also play Final Fantasy games. Other info of myself: Im 16 years old boy from Finland. My hobbys are airsoft and boy-scouting. Im now in high-schools. Im very funny guy, who likes to make people laugh.
Intresting theory, i think its one of the best theorys i have readed so far. But i dont know, why do you think that Ven is keyblade master? Cause we have never seen him to use keyblade, but they use swords, that looks like keyblades, but these swords arent keyblades, cause there is no keychain in them.
I first played it easy mode, then i played it standard and after standard i played it proud. Now i have played KH2 about over 6 times to end, but i have only one save, where i have ultima weapon, almost completed jiminys journal, 99 level Sora and really good stats.
But maleficent says in KH2 after 1000 heartless battle, that "Kingdom hearts is heart of all that lives" somekind of that.
Name:Xirenrew Title:Nightmare of twilight Element: Power to control dreams Weapon: Black sword, that looks like Elven blade from LOTR Edit: Can you guess my name?
If Saix ruled the world, there would be many giant moons.
138) Four guys need for 1 day at the beach 5000 munny.