"Yes, i am sure, that Roxas will help us. Soon Xemnas is history and everyone in this organisation and Namine will be free ."
Saix replies "Yes, he will try to kill me sooner or later" "If we want kill Xemnas, we will need lot of help." "Marly, do you know where axel is?"
Saix "You are little late Marly, Xemnas fleed couple minutes ago"
"You must decide quick, or he will kill me" Saix blocks another attack from Xemnas. Saix wents into his Moon rage form and starts to attack Xemnas like crazy. Xemnas cant attack Saix and its difficult for Xemnas block attack from Saix. Xemnas says "I will kill you Saix sooner or later" and then Xemnas disappears
Xemnas hand didnt bleed, when Marluxias knife hitted his hand. "I dont bleed Marluxia, because i dont have a heart." Xemnas takes out his lightsabers and attacks Saix. Saix blocks Xemnas attack and Saix asks guestion from Marluxia, "Marly, will you help me defeat Xemnas?"
Xemnas teleports right next to Saix and Marluxia. When Xemnas sees Saix bleeding hand, he goes mad. "SAIX! Why do you bleed?! You cant bleed, if you are a Nobody, so you are not a Nobody. Im must kill you." Saix gets his Claymore and prepares for battle.
Saix hand started to bleed, when Marluxias knife wounded Saix. "I am surprised" Saix says.
"Well, do it, lets see if i have a heart"
"I dont have a heart, and you know that Marluxia." After this Saix says "IF i would have a heart, she would be my friend."
"Maybe,but that is none of your business." Saix says.
Saix answers "I just wanted to know, that she is safe."
Saix appeared next to Marluxia. "Marluxia, is Larxene safe?"
1. Nightwish 2. Turmion Kätilöt 3. Sonata Arctica 4. Tarot 5. I dont know
Saix replies "Yes, Nobodies cant have friends, but, if i would have a heart, i think i would think you as a my friend, Larxene.
Saix interupted them and sees Larxene blood. "What is that Larxene? Is that blood? Nobodies cant bleed, so you are not a nobody. But i dont tell Xemnas, cause i dont betray my "friends". But, i will say that you should run away, because Xemnas will sooner or later hear about this."
Gilgamesh would be great choice, cause i love his battle theme.
Saix appears next to Larxene and sees, that Larxene did cry. "Larxene, why did you cry?" "You are a Nobody Larxene, so you cant feel emotions and so you cant cry, unless you are not a nobody."
Xemnas talks with Saix. Xemnas: I will go now to Room of sleep and if someone distrubs me, i will do something so horrible, that you cant imagine. Saix: I will make sure, that no one will distrubs you.
Xemnas talks to Saix in their headquarters in World that never was. Xemnas: Are you sure, that Axel kills Riku? Saix: Im not sure. Xemnas: Well, if Axel dont kill Riku, i must turn him to a Dusk. Saix:Is that really wise to turn him to Dusk? After all, he is one one best fighters in the organisation. Xemnas: He is good fighter i admit, but new member, member 14 th, is far more talented fighter than Axel. Saix: Who is this menber number 14? Xemnas: I dont tell you yet, you will know, when the time is right. Saix: Now about Sora, we need a plan for him, but what is that plan? Xemnas: He have to kill more heartless, when there is enough heartless killed, we can fully exist with help of Kingdom Hearts. Saix: Sounds good plan to me.
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