Quoted for truth.
*Silence as every-body stares at Ryuuga in disbelief*FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!
So true.EASTER EGG!!!
I'll trade this quasant for that tasty looking chicken(Kitten) heart....
****ing hell! How long can this idiotic fad last?*Eye twitches* I feel like shooting somebody....
Do you think they aren't existent or are you just too scared to believe that you had(Maybe) seen an un-natural phonomenon?
I saw it coming but still, lol.
Your mother was a hampster and your father smells of elderberry.
No, I think she's had an overdose.
You phail*Pokes with poking stick* Henceforth from this day, I shall carry the stick around to prod Sovereign with.
^^^This dude^^^
ILOVERIKUANDYOUCANTSTOPME I put it into a anagram genorator and.... A copy kid you've anus oil run emp....o_OWTF?
Imma' Oompa Loompa.
Must resist, must not eat...potatoes. NOOOOOOooooooooo...............
Looky here, kid.I win.
I can be intellectual(surprised?)it's just I choose to act a bit on the "not so smart"place on the intelligence scale, ok?
i iz wel liek nut stupadz.
YAY!!!! It's up and running again, IN YOUR FACE XERT!
Daxma Dam AX