Yes we are complete *tries to make up a new word*erm...Hemos?(happy-emos?SACRILAGE I SAY!!!)
I still do, in real life and on the webs. All you have to do is find somebody else who seems to be in the same situation as you and just start talking to them.
I'll just stick with my nice formal shoes, thankyou.*Walks away in a very formal fashion*
10/10, your the only person on this site that I talk to.
@Ch3rry:[NUMERICAL ERROR]/10 @Daxma:10/10
ªª/10ª..............º Yes your popular.
I choose black
Owns the site.
And the prize for the ugliest thing in all creation goes to... This guy. Ahhhhh!!!I look fat.
I iz confusled?What? 11/10
A googol/10..................
Then you mustn't need sleep.
Has never visiteed khv ever.
What a sad story.
*Spews blood*Why, oh Lord save us from this evil presence.
Can I be the crippled/deformed side-kick?
*Laughs at the irony*
*Dies in excitement*
No, I just don't like the vid or the lyrics. I'm okay with rap but that...