All contact with the troops in the middle-east has been lost. From satalite reports, all lights surrounding london have gone out.
No, people. The american missiles have landed in Russia, one whent of coarse and has punctured a large hole in the ice at the north pole.
China has jumped the bandwagon and is marching it's armies into Nepal and India.
The Royal Marines have launched 3 missiles at both the Korean countries as the South Korean millatary has made a swift move into Northern Soil.
South....... North Korea is now under South Korea's control.
Korea has just attacked russia, moscow retaliated with 3 hydrogen bombs. 2 of wich are heading west into the north sea and one heading south-east. America has responded to this breach with 24 nukes heading straight for russia.
Oh sheet, anybody see the news about the explosion?
Yay! Somebody smaller than me! Kupopo! *Evil mog glare*
Fixed. I vote for Voldemort...hey wait a minute?
*Turns ANF into a gerbil" kupo?
Our scheme to end mans reign First we will erase your water supply, then we abolish your communication devices, later we turn out the electrical supply to all major cities, and then you encounter the DATABASE ERROR
The machines will track you down...
Ohmygosh the machines have reached the point of consciousness. WE'RE ALL GONNA' DIE!!!*Curls up into a ball*
Erm...I don't know what you're talking about<_<>_>'.
They are plotting to create the most unresistable, ultimatetabular fad we're all DOOMED!
Vex since we're cousins shouldn't we have the same powers? *Spawns a gerbil from his hands* Oh noez!
It feels like death on here.
Oh noez. Nobody to talk to.
Take it all!!! You know you want to. Feed your hatred, your power, your greed.
But I think my shoes are quite comftorble. I just suit them.