I've only got Experiment: Experiment Replaces Donald 3QUD-CFVJ-JYMV3 QZ3N-Q9JV-JDJFN Experiment Replaces Goofy NJ7M-H0JK-TY1JD 9ADN-GWHH-K43R6
"Well this says we'll need to go to other worlds, but we have no ship." Jared explained. OOC: Gotta go now bye.
Revus jumped over the desk and ran out of the library with Sora. "That was fun." He said as they kept running. "Damn, they got away again. I need my chocolate." Xmnas said as he threw a hissy fit. OOC: I gotta go now bye.
My Ninja outfit doesn't fit me anymore. I'll camoflage(is that how you spell it?) myself, well next time I log on anyway. Bye guys and girls, i gotta go.
"Ok." Revus said. Serul jumped over the desk and saw Revus and Sora, Revus then kicked Serul in between the legs.
Jared sat down next to Isabella and hid the book under the table. "Ok, according to this, there is a evil out there, and the Light Heroes, us, must stop it. there's one problem though." He explained. Before he could finish the waitress came over to them. "What would you like?" She asked. "I'll have a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich." Jared replied. "And what would you like?" the waitress asked Isabella.
Ok, let's do it people. *Cue Mission Impossible theme.* hehe
Revus, who was behind the desk, poked Sora to get his attention. "Shall we fight or run?" He whispered. "Hey headmaster, I think they're behind the desk." Serul said with a really cokcy tone in his voice.
Jared looked over to where Isabella was pointing. "Yea, let's go there." He said as he put the book back in his bag.
That's good to hear. Get the more active members birthdays first.
Serul had his gunblade in his right hand, he was looking forward to a fight. He then turned towards the desk.
Outside the castle, Jared was still reading the book. "This doesn't make much sense." He said, flipping through the pages. He then looked around and saw how crowded the streets were. "We need to find somewhere to discuss this in private." He said to Isabella.
"Not really, I think we're strong eneough as we are now." Jared said. "I guess we should leave and read more about the book."
"Ok." he as as they ran back inside. "Let's go into Zexion's office. We should be able to get to it from here." Xemnas and Serul had entered the Library, they couldn't see Sora or Revus anywhere. "We know you're in here..." Xemnas said.
"We have two options. Try and find King Rulk's sword, or leave the castle." Jared explained.
"Let's get out of here." Revus said. As they were about to leave, thy saw Xemnas and Serul outside the library. "Sh*t, what are going to do now?"
"I don't know." he said. "I think we should take the book with us incase we might need it." he said as he put the book in his bag.
"Good idea." Revus said. "Uhh, how about in one of his boxes?" he then suggested. Xemnas and Serul kept going from classroom to classroom to find Sora and Revus.
Yay more cookies. *Eats them* Family Calender is a good idea, you know my birthday anyway. :)
Jared looked at her, he knew what she was thinking. "I know, it's....us." He said, still confused about what the book meant.