"I got plenty of it." He said as he showed Sora all the bars he had in his bag. Serul had managed to get outside but fell over again and a group of kids ran over him. "That's the last time I help Xemnas." he groaned.
Xaldin teleported next to Xemnas. "Well, i'm here." He said as he gave a cheesy grin.
"Leave it alone?" Jared asked. "Why?"
Jared looked at the warehouse. "You're ship's in here?" He asked Lynn.
"Yea sure." Revus told Sora. "Coming?" he then asked Kasha. Serul then stood up, obviously in pain still. He then tried walking out of the library and fell over.
"Well, I suppose you have a point." Jareth said to Null. He then walked towards Tyrone. "that's good to hear." he said with a serious tone.
OOC: Is there a ship there?
"Uhh, it looks better..." Jared said, his mind was wandering. He then followed Lynn.
Jared saw Kyrie, Enigma and Lynn, he ran upto them but saw the Dragon. "Oh my god..." He said as he grabbed his knives.
Jareth started walking after Null. "What's with you?" He asked.
Jared looked at her. She seems more suspicious now than she was earlier. He thought. "So, are you going to take us to him?" He asked Lynn. He then looked at the book again, he saw a picture of Darius. "Uhh, Darius, you might want to look at this." He said as he showed Darius the book.
"Name's Balthier." He said without looking. "Sky Pirate." He then started wiping his gun with his handkerchief.
Hello Family. How is mission Random Family Calendar going? I'm in a colourful mood right now hehe.
OOC: Is this a tournament that's happening at the moment?
"Yea, you got a camcorder?" He askd Sora
Jared looked at Darius. "Where did you come from? Never mind, thanks for the info." He said. He then turned to Lynn. "Who's your boss?"
"My name's Jareth, i'm from the Water Country." He said. "Pleased to meet you." Jareth extended his hand.
"Cocaine?!?" Xemnas exclaimed. "You have guts to say that to me." He readied his lightsabers. Revus ran towards Xemnas and held out a chocolate bar. "You want this?" he said jokingly as he threw it away. "Fetch." Xemnas ran after it like a dog chasing a stick.
Jareth looked at Tyrone and was confused. "Ok..." He muttered. He then watched as he took out most of the soldiers.
Jared saw Lynn and Isabella outside. "Hi Lynn." He said. "I've found out the first world we have to got to." He explained. "It's called Ivalice."